I love Disney.

I love Disney movies.

I'm a huge Disney fan.

I watch a lot of Disney.

I'm a lifelong Disney nut.

Walt Disney was my great hero.

Honestly, I grew up with Disney.

I don't mind being a Disney girl.

I always wanted to do a Disney movie.

I'm happy to keep making Disney movies.

We live and breathe Disney in our house.

It would be cool to be on a Disney show.

Ariel is the most boring Disney princess.

Disney hovers over every decision at ESPN.

Walt Disney was not a merchant of sadness.

I first met Walt Disney 25 or 30 years ago.

I want to play a Disney villainess so badly.

Don't let the Disney princess hair fool you.

I wanted to be a part of the Disney history.

Disney definitely sets up a fan base for you.

I look up to Walt Disney and what he has done.

I love working for Disney! They are my family.

I have daughters. They love Disney princesses.

I have an affinity for Disney and the Princess.

I've got Disney blood running through my veins.

My kids enjoy the Disney program, Lizzy McGuire.

I always wear Disney pyjamas on Christmas morning.

I like old Disney films that have an edge to them.

Almost all the Disney villain witches are gay icons.

Being on Disney, a lot of young people look up to me.

Disney usually doesn't do pitches for original ideas.

Never, never did I think I would be in a Disney movie.

I think Disney plays a really important part in fashion.

Of my Disney material, 'Tangled' is my most pop-oriented.

I'm a total Disney freak. I want to live in Disney World.

I have always thought of Walt Disney as my second father.

'Frozen' is a phenomenon on an entirely new Disney scale.

I probably know everything there is to know about Disney.

My whole life, I always wanted to be a Disney Channel kid.

I'd love to have the opportunity to sing in a Disney movie.

Being able to make a comedy at Disney was really appealing.

Mr. Disney believed everyone was still a child deep inside.

We were a band way before we ever did anything with Disney.

I'm a huge Disney nut. I have been since I was a little kid.

Disney represents the future of filmmaking in North America.

I don't know if I really watched any Disney animation as a kid.

I never thought I'd be up against Salvador Dali and Roy Disney.

'Bolt' was made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, not by Pixar.

I signed on with Disney to star and choreograph an original film.

The people of Disney are so incredibly amazing; they are so nice.

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