I love Donald Glover.

Donald Trump is a bigot.

I supported Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a friend.

Donald Trump is liar-in-chief.

I have one client: Donald Trump.

I think Donald Trump is a racist.

We don't know who Donald Trump is.

Donald Trump is white ISIS - WISIS.

I will never vote for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is anathema to America.

Donald Trump did not appear by magic.

Donald Trump is an interesting fellow.

I have nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's a change agent. So am I.

I know that Donald Trump is a smart man.

I am everything Donald Trump is against.

Donald Trump was my friend for 15 years.

Let's make Donald Trump explain his hair.

We can't let Donald Trump put us at risk.

It kills me to hear Donald Trump talking.

I am not ashamed to support Donald Trump.

As Donald says, I am his Valerie Jarrett.

I'm the same businessman Donald Trump is.

I'm a big fan of Donald Glover in general.

Donald Trump would make a great president.

I reject Donald Trump's mission of America.

I don't think Donald Trump is Ronald Reagan.

Donald Trump, you don't stand for our values.

I am solidly, 100 percent behind Donald Trump.

You know Donald Trump will secure our borders.

I support free trade, and so does Donald Trump.

Donald Trump did denounce David Duke's support.

I think Donald Trump is a very unique candidate.

Donald Trump is a champion for legal immigrants.

My least favorite joke right now is Donald Trump.

Donald, my husband, considers himself a feminist.

Donald Trump is a divisive name in a locker room.

I work for Donald Trump, and everyone knows that.

The framework of the election favors Donald Trump.

We welcome Donald Trump at 'Hamilton,' absolutely.

Donald Trump has brought jobs back to this country.

Donald Trump was an entertainer and is in many ways.

Donald Trump talks about everyone behind their backs.

Donald Trump is the best debater on the debate stage.

Nobody does more identity politics than Donald Trump.

You don't change Donald Trump. You don't 'manage' him.

I don't think Donald Trump is going to be our nominee.

President Donald Trump seems to have made me an alien.

Donald Trump is the steadfast leader our nation needs.

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