I know how to have a conversation, but I've never done improv. I've never taken improv classes.

I think it helps, as an actor, to never know when you're going to get that next script and you're done.

I've done plenty of phoners for Joel when he's been too busy. You'll never know. Our voices sound so similar.

I've done entire scores for I don't know how many films and series. I never kept track; I suppose it's up in the hundreds.

I've done the big 12-city tours, and I'm never going to do that again - never. I was younger then. It wears you out, you know.

You know why Madison Avenue advertising has never done well in Harlem? We're the only ones who know what it means to be Brand X.

I don't ever land on an album title until I know exactly what's going on the record, because you never know until it's all said and done.

'The State' had never done improv. We used to go over scripts for weeks and argue about every joke. But I don't know how we would have scripted 'Reno.'

I've never regretted anything I've done, even the things that I've failed at. I've often regretted not trying something really big, because you'll never know.

The only thing I have never done is a Broadway play. I'm not sure I have the discipline necessary to do a Broadway play. I know it holds a fascination for certain actors.

I'm not playing for lack of options. But this is such a fleeting thing. When I'm done, I'm never, ever going to be able to come back to it. I know Vancouver is my last go.

I have been accused of things that I have never done. I have been called a perpetrator of incidents while I was actually a peacemaker. I really don't know why. Yuvraj Singh isn't a party animal; he is just singled out. I don't know why.

I get this call and they go, you know, 'Do you want to do the finals?' and I go, 'Yeah, I guess, I've never, never done the finals.' Especially for somebody who's done as many thousands of games as I have, it kind of takes you one step further.

We were in a little bubble to a degree, but you'd never really know what was going on elsewhere, you'd done a tour in the States and then you wouldn't really know what the reaction was out of the shows because it wasn't immediate on Instagram and Twitter. It wasn't perhaps as broad as it is these days, it was fab though.

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