I don't believe every download is a lost sale.

I would happy for someone to download my music.

Download was one of the best festivals I've ever been to.

I download TV shows more and more, especially from the U.S.

I'd rather have vinyl and a download code than a CD any day.

The day is coming when, in 45 seconds, you can download a movie.

I never download anything; it's crazy! We must keep buying albums and DVDs.

People who liked the 'Arkham Asylum' video game can Google comics to download.

We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file-sharing networks.

Kids don't go out and buy CDs, they make their own, they download them from the Internet.

I download, like, forty songs a day, I'm a big music collector and a big record collector.

People think that it's their sovereign right to download music and not have to pay for it.

It's not completely inconceivable that someday you'll be able to download your own memories.

I used to download music illegally. Everyone has. No one is innocent. Everyone has done that.

I love to read. I have a Kindle, and it's nice to be able to download books that people refer.

Our growth relies solely on our users suggesting to their friends to download and use Telegram.

But since I am in the music industry, I don't want anyone to download music, not on September 9th.

Music, even with these dial-up connections you have to the Internet, is very practical to download.

Let's say I was a plumber, or I worked at a factory, I would download music, you feel what I'm saying?

Look: I download music illegally, if I really want it. But I always then buy the record - I support art.

If you made a record, I'd probably pick out tracks that I like and download that. That's just how it is.

You have to figure out some way of making money without relying on video ads or people paying to download.

Books are not like albums, where you can simply download and enjoy your favorite chapter and ignore the rest.

The crowd at Download Festival always welcomes us with a lot of energy so I can't wait to perform there again!

It doesn't matter if people take the music for free, because you can't illegally download a ticket to a concert.

You don't need to recall 100,000 cars because you need to fix something. That can be done with a download of software.

You have an entire generation of kids who grew up with the idea that music is something that you can download for free.

Before I had a steady job, I was broke, and I didn't have any money to buy anything, so I would illegally download stuff.

Music isn't selling like it used to, but the one thing you can't steal or download is a live show experience or a T-shirt.

Whatever the download thing has done to the game, you as an artist can get yourself out there to the masses, off your own back.

I'm a huge fan of e-books, but the more I buy and download, the more I worry that someone could just take them all away from me.

I love being a wing, you can make plays there and also get down there to download the bigs so I feel that is the perfect position for me.

Why marry myself to an entire album? I don't have to. If I download four songs from somebody on an iTunes sojourn, that's about as good as it gets.

In 2010, the night before we launched 'Instagram v1', my co-founder Kevin and I bet on how many people would download the app its first day in the wild.

As so much music is listened to via MP3 download, many will never experience the joy of analog playback, and for them, I feel sorry. They are missing out.

I just got an iPhone, which is cool, but I don't download movies, I don't watch Hulu, I don't have Netflix. I don't do any of that. But I do geek out to music.

The Walking Dead' is my show. I download it from iTunes so that I can watch it the second it comes out. It's a show that I've got really involved in, emotionally.

We figured you could download live shows for days, so we decided to go for a cream-of-the-crop approach, but not just take the best vocal or the best performances.

Neurotechnology may benefit from questioning what kinds of low-information-content signals we can read and write before we try to upload and download consciousness.

People don't buy CDs so much anymore because it's easy to download everything. So, while the record industry is declining, the music is heard a lot more than before.

Even a small village in the middle of Africa with a 3D printer will have access to any good it can download. The world of the 'Star Trek' replicator is not far away.

Every time we buy a CD or download a song, the artist is paid for their work. You might not know that this isn't the case when a musician's work is played on the radio.

I get contacted daily by people in America saying is there any legal way to download 'The IT Crowd', but the whole mechanism is too rigid to allow for things like that.

No one likes to work for free. To copy an artist's work and download it free is stealing. It's hard work writing and recording music, and it's morally wrong to steal it.

The world is going on a high-speed connection; the Arab revolution is still dial-up. So we have to give it a little time to download. Regimes come and go, but art endures.

I don't think piracy is going to kill the music industry. But digital technology and the ability to download will change the packaging from CDs to a single-based business.

I personally stream or download from iTunes because I love the quick access that I have to music; I don't have to write down a list of songs that I like and then go to the shop.

I'd much rather be worrying about playing that note in tune, and picking out the best way to arrange the song, rather than thinking about pricing for the download. It's not art.

Between the record companies being the way they are and the fact that people can just download one song instead of buying a whole album, it's hard to make a good living nowadays.

I tried to download a jazz album this week and ended up getting some tracks four times, some once, some three times; in total I ended up with 50 tracks. I don't know how I did it.

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