Men who do things without being told draw the most wages.

Men who do things without being told draw the most wages.

Draw what you see.

I wish I could draw.

I draw whatever hits me.

Sometimes I draw blanks.

Sometimes I like to draw.

I draw from the crowd a lot.

I love very much to draw animals.

I always knew how to draw a crowd.

I like to draw my storyboards myself.

Wonder Woman is a lot of fun to draw.

I always listen to music while I draw.

I'm a writer who just happens to draw.

I don't want to write, I'd rather draw.

Believe it or not, I can actually draw.

I've never played for a draw in my life.

I don't draw on my inner life in my work.

To draw you must close your eyes and sing.

You see, anything I imagined, I could draw.

Except for me, no one in my family could draw.

Love will draw an elephant through a key-hole.

We know as filmmakers where you draw the line.

I always want to create and do things, or draw.

Where do you even draw the line between genres?

I never have a plan of what I am going to draw.

Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks.

Like any other actor, I draw on life experience.

I draw every day - unless I'm being interviewed.

In no way do I want to draw attention to myself.

The real power of comics is writing as you draw.

In acting, you draw so much on your private life.

I played football. I played trumpet. I could draw.

Part of an actor's job is to draw up a back story.

I used to obsessively draw. I was really good at it.

I like to draw late at night when the house is quiet.

Some games you win, some you lose, and some you draw.

I can't draw. I'm good on the yo-yo, but I don't draw.

Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw.

I love to draw people's faces. I do that all the time.

I draw what I feel, which is no more than doing my job.

Win, lose or draw, you're all my cousins and I love you.

I think living the blessed life is the luck of the draw.

I rarely draw what I see. I draw what I feel in my body.

Congress requires states to draw single-member districts.

Not very many people can draw who are illustrators today.

When you are little, you will draw pictures for no reason.

There's something fascinating about watching artists draw.

For me, the blank page to draw on is a window to adventure.

I like to stay artistic. So I always like to draw or write.

A longbow takes a massive draw for the arrow to go anywhere.

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