If I'm performing with a DJ, it's all on me to draw the energy. I like the camaraderie of a band.

When I have meetings scheduled so tight that I can't go to the loo, that's where I draw the line!

I'm just interested in meditating on certain ideas, and I like to draw: that's my way of thinking.

In vain, without the Bible, we increase penal laws and draw entrenchments around our institutions.

Morality depends on individual freedom, and it requires some sense to know where to draw the line.

I've felt depressed many times in my life, so I can draw on those times in my life when I need to.

I'm not like normal people. I'm no good at relationships. I draw drama to me - it's the Jew in me.

I wanted to be an architect. I used to draw houses and buildings and construct buildings on my own.

Experience seems to most of us to lead to conclusions, but empiricism has sworn never to draw them.

I would go to sketch groups and draw. I really enjoyed the subject matter, but I wasn't good at it.

Broadway shows in New York draw two times the attendance of all New York sports teams put together.

My issue in the past with nudity was that these scenes had been written solely for box office draw.

I think the attempt to draw a comparison between Iran and Syria is false, misleading and dangerous.

Let the pitcher move first, then, as he draws his arm back, you draw the bat back and you are ready.

For this album I was determined to do it my way. Take my time. I'm gonna win, lose or draw on my own.

I have a big responsibility to my licenses. All my licenses draw from and take ideas from the runway.

To be a comedian, you have to have some darkness behind it. I certainly draw on my past, and it helps.

If I have to draw attention away from some hormone-induced acne on my chin, I put on a lot of mascara.

Ray and I do not draw salaries, Any profits will be re-invested into marketing the music we believe in.

Music is everywhere and in everything! I draw my inspiration from the day to day activities of my life!

Remember that although the distinction can be difficult to draw, loneliness and solitude are different.

I do get the sense sometimes that if I draw things too nice, maybe I won't be indie-rock enough anymore.

They do very classy, sexy television in the U.S. - and they pay a lot more, so there's always that draw!

I have always tried with my shows - win, lose, or draw - to take the boundaries of music as far as I can.

I normally keep a series of draft in a catalogue type of book in which I scribble, sketch and draw ideas.

I have 60 years of reading to draw upon: naval memoirs, dispatches, the Naval Chronicles, family letters.

I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.

My mum will not speak above a low whisper in public because she doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

When I was a teen, I would draw a really, really long line around my eyes with eyeliner, like Lola Flores.

It's tempting, because as one senator said to me, 'We know if we invite baseball down, we'll draw a crowd'.

'Taxi Driver' wasn't autobiographical in terms of the actual events, but I did draw on my own mental state.

Fiction demands structures and recognizable shapes. Big surprises only draw attention to the writer's hand.

So, when the special effects are at the service of the story and draw you into it, that is really the magic.

The reader's challenge is to replicate the experiment by reading the poem and to draw their own conclusions.

The doctors, whether based in Brussels or Paris, draw the same conclusions and write the same prescriptions.

Hair color is the easiest way to change your appearance, but a bad dye job might draw more attention to you.

When you're an actor or any kind of artist, you use your life as something to draw from in every experience.

I never wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a book illustrator. I used to hurry home from school and draw.

As long as I can remember, I've always loved to draw. But my interest in drawing wasn't encouraged very much.

Less is more when you do a bright, bold lip. Just draw on black liner and some mascara and you're good to go!

I have never had a studio, and I do not understand shutting oneself up in a room. To draw, yes; to paint, no.

I like to draw, produce paintings, do something with my fingers - but I am very normal, down-to-earth person.

I don't think my name would necessarily draw people to come see the movie. It might hurt the movie, honestly.

I think my legs are a strong point, so I try to draw attention to them rather than the upper part of my body.

I can't draw a stick person. I can't play a musical instrument. But I've always had a knack for making money.

The faces people make when they are photographed and the face they have when you draw them are very different.

Everything I do is very visual and very aural, so I don't read music, and I draw as much as I write out lyrics.

I subscribe to the myth that an artist's creativity comes from torment. Once that's fixed, what do you draw on?

Writers do draw inspiration from their own lives, which, quite frankly, might be more interesting than fiction.

Karl Malden was a good friend of mine, and he said, 'You draw the people to you,' and I guess that's what I do.

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