Integrity is an ecosystem.

YouTube is a whole ecosystem.

Broadway is a closed ecosystem.

I see business as an ecosystem.

Native trees are so important to our ecosystem.

Your body isn't just a body. It's an ecosystem.

Alibaba is an ecosystem that helps small business to grow.

Do you know what my favorite renewable fuel is? An ecosystem for innovation.

You're only as good as your weakest link in the ecosystem of sound, of audio.

The AV ecosystem is constantly evolving, and no single winner will be crowned.

Thankfully I have an ecosystem of in-laws, parents and husband, who are my rocks.

The right wing has an ecosystem that is funded by billionaires who want tax cuts.

A boundary is really something artificial we made up. The ecosystem and landscape continue.

We need to create an ecosystem which will make young people want to start their own company.

Putting our ecosystem in great peril is certainly not a part of Chinese culture that I know.

For us, the real goal is to make it so that the software ecosystem is as healthy as possible.

In the end, what developers want is a healthy ecosystem to create content and launch it into.

Michael Bloomberg has yet to get his due for engineering the New York entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Artists will always depend on the brick-and-mortar ecosystem to establish authority and context.

Predators, they're the best coal miners' canary. When they're gone, you've got a sick ecosystem.

The ecosystem of our world is a closed system: it would run out of gas, collapse of its own weight.

I'm a creature of startups. For example, I don't want government interference in the startup ecosystem.

The First Amendment has the same role in my life as a citizen and a writer as the sun has in our ecosystem.

Without net neutrality protections, the Internet would no longer be a free and open ecosystem for innovation.

One of my big regrets is that Facebook hasn't had a major chance to shape the mobile operating system ecosystem.

Landscape to me is a planar thing, just a view. Environment is everything down to the ecosystem. Big difference.

Creating a vertically oriented regional ecosystem is a pretty amazing accomplishment for any country or industry.

Any ICO going forward that doesn't use a 'Ticketmaster-style' queueing engine is clearly trying to ruin the ecosystem.

My vision is to build an e-commerce ecosystem that allows consumers and businesses to do all aspects of business online.

Big businesses aren't the only ones in the economic ecosystem. Nobody should fall behind because of an unfair structure.

As a former college president, I am well aware that every university is a complicated ecosystem, not a linear widget factory.

Security is tantamount in the world of digital currencies, and rapid growth puts the security of the entire ecosystem at risk.

Politics is not my cup of tea. I would like to focus on research and education, and will also work to help start-up ecosystem.

The 5G world will be a collaborative ecosystem, and the role of what each of us will do in that remains to be thought through.

If you're going to create a competitive game and it's going to be popular, you have to have an esports ecosystem around the game.

The key with autonomous is the whole ecosystem. One of the keys to having truly fully autonomous is vehicles talking to each other.

Innovation will come from an ecosystem of pervasive computing so natural and all-encompassing that it disappears into the background.

I don't care whether the technology is invented by our employees. I want to bring everybody's innovations into our ecosystem together.

To be sure, American higher education is a diverse ecosystem, comprising institutions of all sizes, price tags, and mission statements.

The threat of extinction is more real than many realise. And the damage done to elephants directly leads to destruction of the ecosystem.

I would have volunteered to work at Netscape. It was the center node of this new technology and the commercial ecosystem of the Internet.

We actually have 10 times as many cells of microbes on us as we have human cells... We are literally a teeming ecosystem of microorganisms.

What Techstars is fundamentally a global ecosystem in which entrepreneurs are enabled and empowered to bring new technologies to the market.

It is necessary that we eliminate the scourge of terrorism in all its forms, without any discrimination, and end the ecosystem of its support.

In Seoul, there are plans to create a blockchain ecosystem to make it a city that will be recognized as the center of blockchain in the world.

Space and time may have a structure as intricate as the fauna of a rich ecosystem, but on a scale far larger than the horizon of our observations.

I hope to literally change the world with Black Girls Code by changing the paradigm which produces the current monolithic ecosystem in technology.

Games isn't really pop music, and neither is OPN. Both are part of the same ecosystem and both deal with exploring the undercurrents of pop music.

The way to understand how different species evolved is to think about the niches that they fill in an ecosystem - basically, how they make a living.

Most floods are caused by man, not weather; deforestation, levee construction, erosion, and overgrazing all result in the loss of ecosystem services.

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