I have three alter egos.

Gentlemen, start your egos.

Egos turn me off, big time.

Comedy writers have the most fragile egos.

Fragile egos are put on the line every day.

Actors have these delicate appendages called Egos.

For a double act to work, you shouldn't have egos.

Great people have great egos; maybe that's what makes them great.

I think maybe Mr. Sinise and Mr. Bacon have slightly bigger egos than I do.

The more we try to rest ourselves from our Egos, the deeper we sink into it.

I can't stand being around anal people, especially anal people with big egos.

There are so many egos in this game - maybe we all need to come down a notch.

Even though we want huge individual egos, our collective ego is unbelievable.

Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos.

I'd rather not marry an actor because there isn't room in the house for two egos.

Swimmers do not get a lot of telly time so you are not dealing with a lot of egos.

When you have too many stars, you have too many egos to manage, and it's difficult.

I try to pride myself on being nice to everyone and not letting egos get in the way.

Honestly, the egos and the quest and thirst for power is very prevalent in Washington.

When you got a group like G-Unit... we sold millions of records, we got a lot of egos.

My job is to keep everyone together, strong big egos, and keep the peace in the family.

When you hit the big time, big money, big egos, people don't talk. You have no friends.

Creed was ended by egos and people wanting to do their own thing and poor decision-making.

Television has become the government, priest, psychotherapist - the legitimiser of our egos.

And I like asking questions, to keep learning; people with big egos might not want to look unsure.

The music is first and foremost everything - no egos, no attitude, nothing - it's about the music.

There's no egos, we just want the best show we can put on. That started with NXT and that continues.

Everyone has egos, and you want to come out on top. You have to pick yourself up and go at it again.

I'm in a business that invites narcissism, self-involvement, and egos being blown out of proportion.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

For comedy reasons, any place we can have really big egos and very high stakes is a great thing to go for.

As far as big egos, there are definitely guys out there that just think God only knows what about themselves.

I've worked opposite so many male actors whose egos have been so delicate that it was just so hard to do the work.

As athletes, we all have egos, we all think we can help, and when you're not given that chance, it's hard to watch.

I came from the music business, which reputedly has the biggest egos, but I really think the airline world caps it.

Team spirit is paramount - each of our own egos has to take a back seat. That applies to me as well as everyone else.

Lots of people say politics is about individualism and egos. I happen to think government is best operated as a team.

I think that some people get wrapped up in their own egos. They need to see certain album sales and certain monuments.

I never thought of myself as a Surrealist. I didn't think of myself as anything. I try not to. We all have these egos.

I think in music and a lot of creative fields, people's egos get in the way of their ability of seeing the big picture.

I never wanted to work with celebrities. I have no interest. I don't really care about their egos and their publicists.

I find it funny how at British festivals there are such inflated egos. It's rare that I even talk to anyone at a lot of them.

There's some jerks. There's some big egos. There are a few that think they're one of the Founding Fathers... in both parties.

What I've picked up from working with the women in the Gori choir is that they don't have egos. All that matters is the music.

Egos are an occupational hazard in acting, but I don't have much of one, and my husband doesn't have much of one, so it's good.

Politicians have such large egos that it usually takes them an inordinately long time to grasp when they've become a pathetic joke.

Making a record's really hard. You deal with the money stuff - you never have the budget you need. You're working with so many egos.

A movie set is like a petri dish for neuroses, you know? It's just, like, egos and weird personalities and, more than anything, fear.

I want to hire guys that fit that mold; I want guys where it's about the Philadelphia Eagles first, that check their egos at the door.

I've trained with trainers in L.A., and they get complacent. They're used to dealing with celebrity egos, so they cotton-wool you a bit.

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