I feel like Elvis. Only alive.

I like the Carpenters and Elvis.

Elvis stole his sideburns from me.

'Lost' was a phenomenon, like Elvis.

I would like to do the Elvis Presley.

My dream collaboration would be Elvis.

Elvis was a great singer. He really was.

Never trust a man who doesn't like Elvis.

Without Elvis none of us could have made it.

I'm not Elvis. I don't get chased by paparazzi.

I am to wrestling what Elvis was to rock n' roll!

I never felt more loved than when I was with Elvis.

I was nuts about Elvis, like every girl in America.

I was obsessed with Elvis Presley when I was little.

I had Elvis' number in my book and I never called it.

I look good, but I probably have the insides of Elvis.

Elected office holds more perks than Elvis' nightstand.

Elvis is great and so is anybody who lasts like he does.

When I was a little kid, I was very impressed with Elvis.

I'm the world's biggest Bob Seger fan. He's like my Elvis.

Elvis was a giant and influenced everyone in the business.

I was an Elvis freak. That's all I listened to growing up.

Elvis may be the King of Rock and Roll, but I am the Queen.

Elvis was rock'n'roll. He came from the poverty and the pain.

And when Elvis was unhappy, believe me, everyone was unhappy.

I knew about Elvis. Of course, everybody knew about him then.

I used to always listen to Z100 in NYC and I love Elvis Duran.

I always tell my wife she's married to the Puerto Rican Elvis.

My pop culture ended somewhere north of Elvis but not too far.

Elvis was a sweet darling, shy fellow, but he was really boring.

Elvis may have been my first hero, but you couldn't relate to him.

Is Billy Idol just doing a bad Elvis pout, or was he born that way?

Elvis was a big influence to my music, but Loretta Lynn was, as well.

I don't speak Punjabi. My dad runs a beauty salon and is an Elvis fan.

In five years, I had done 13 films, which I think broke Elvis's record.

Elvis inspired my sideburns, but Little Richard inspired me for vocals.

When I was a kid, I used to look in the mirror and pretend I was Elvis.

Elvis' early music has drama because as he sang he was escaping limits.

When I first met Elvis, we had so much in common and became fast friends.

Why did I break up with Elvis? It was difficult to watch his slow demise.

Elvis transcends his talent to the point of dispensing with it altogether.

Elvis' songs will always be there, and I hope mine will be after I'm gone.

Elvis is symbolic of a lot of things, dreams coming true being one of them.

I'm a big fan of Elvis, man. I got 'Heartbreak Hotel' tattooed on my chest.

My mom listened to the Beatles and Elvis, a lot of different types of music.

My favorite artists have always been Elvis and The Beatles and they still are!

I'm just glad to be feeling better. I really thought I'd be seeing Elvis soon.

If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.

I can always remember that experience in Hawaii pleasantly on account of Elvis.

It's pretty amazing to me that my first hit record was an Elvis Presley record.

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