New York has always embraced me.

Xabi embraced life in Liverpool.

I've embraced life at all stages.

I embraced EDM from the beginning.

Life should be embraced like a lover.

I have embraced every day with gratitude.

Miami has embraced me and I love them for that.

I always wonder when it was that I was embraced.

Life is a series of waves to be embraced and overcome.

I used music as therapy and embraced being a cry baby.

Christianity has always embraced both reason and faith.

I've always embraced battles that are a daily occurrence.

When I arrived in Las Vegas, I felt I was embraced by it.

No culture that has ever embraced homosexuality has survived.

The newspapers say we're infamous, so we have embraced infamy.

I got out of college in 1997, and TV embraced me very quickly.

I embraced every struggle because it made me the fighter I was.

The game is exploding for Latinos... They've embraced the game.

As a footballer I know what I'm good at and I've now embraced it.

Ever the coach's dream, Tebow embraced the role of punt protector.

SK Group will work to be reborn as a group embraced by the public.

Racial distinctions should not be rejected; they should be embraced.

Since 'Qismat' did well independently, it was embraced by Bollywood.

No city embraced privatization more eagerly than Chicago, where I live.

I want to be embraced by the audience, but it's fun to stir up the pot.

I love stand-up comics, particularly those who have embraced podcasting.

I've always embraced everything and been open-minded about what's ahead.

I was warmly embraced by the Tea Party. They openly seek more minorities.

Barack Obama embraced hip-hop, man. That's the way he got through to kids.

I've totally embraced it. I like Princess Leia. I like how she was feisty.

Every age bracket has to be respected and it should be embraced naturally.

You make a movie and you'd like it to be appreciated, respected, embraced.

The path was not easier for Jackie Robinson simply because he embraced God.

I started balding at age 17 and after first being sad, I really embraced it.

In television, the writer-creator-showrunner is embraced as the creative mind.

It's great making a film and having it embraced and seen. I really enjoy that.

At a well-run company, good ideas are embraced no matter where they come from.

I'm from Buffalo, which is a blue-collar city, and I've kind of embraced that.

The female body is a beautiful thing, and it should be embraced and celebrated.

Among living artists, George Condo may be the most embraced by the powers that be.

I embraced being a pop artist, but I like doing it on my own terms, at my own pace.

Atlanta embraced us. We have so much respect for them, and they have respect for us.

The fantasy genre has so far rather embraced me, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.

For as long as this nation has known war, we have embraced the heroes it has produced.

I loved growing up in Montclair... I think it's grown and changed and embraced change.

I've always felt embraced by the Broadway community even before I felt like I earned it.

Contradiction was something I really like when it is embraced in that kind of philosophy.

Once upon a time the Conservative party was a broad church which embraced a range of views.

Being embraced by the British people is a beautiful compliment for me. It feels very special.

As technology and science advances, I think the ability to alter yourself should be embraced.

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