I don't do well in social environments.

I became a writer in spite of my environments.

I've always tried to seek out environments with excitement.

People are much more important than superficial environments.

Speech recognition today doesn't really work in noisy environments.

I always had an interest in seeing people within their environments.

Regulations about environments are going to get tougher and tougher.

We all live every day in virtual environments, defined by our ideas.

I thrive in competitive environments. I've never been in a monopoly.

Writing in certain environments carries with it an occupational risk.

My recording career has luckily run the gamut of recording environments.

Kitchens are hard environments and they form incredibly strong characters.

Drying up of capital has different consequences in different environments.

We need better corporate environments. We need better workplaces everywhere.

I'm a very social person, and I like being in different kinds of environments.

I'm used to being in creative environments where people throw out a lot of ideas.

I'm fascinated by the deaths of stars and the havoc they wreak on their environments.

There are no environments where you're only going to win, because life just isn't like that.

All three of the Abrahamic religions were born and nurtured in arid, disturbed environments.

I'm good at fitting in, and I think I'm fairly perceptive about moods and psychic environments.

I'm used to being in uncomfortable situations. I actually thrive in uncomfortable environments.

I'm fascinated by how ethnic communities have assimilated into massive capitalist environments.

I am enormously susceptible to religious environments - the music, the liturgy and the prayers.

I think my gift lies in being a startup entrepreneur and creating environments and experiences.

I want people to feel they are living in good urban environments with greenery and green space.

For me, part of one my big movements is building authentic street environments for skateboarding.

Candor is the key to collaborating effectively. Lack of candor leads to dysfunctional environments.

Unfortunately, Haiti does not have many safe environments for children to play and express themselves.

I've always been the only girl in those environments. It's comfortable for me - I prefer it, actually.

I don't like new environments. I don't like being around a lot of new people. It makes me uncomfortable.

I've experienced firsthand the disconnect between furniture, their environments, and the way people work.

We all have a role to play in creating safe environments where everyone can be free to work without fear.

I think it's good for people sometimes to get out of their own environments - there are less distractions.

My greatest environments in which I can grow, or grow up, is in personal romantic relationships with a man.

People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity.

When you think about the worst places humans come into contact with, they are often our health environments.

I don't think women's prisons are environments for dance routines, and I don't think mass murder is humorous.

In many environments, take away the ants and there would be partial collapses in many of the land ecosystems.

Most of my career as an engineer, I was put in environments where I was the only person of color in the room.

We are naturally moral beings, but our environments can enhance - or, sadly, degrade - this innate moral sense.

The people I write are real to me, and basically, they tell me about their environments on a need-to-know basis.

Cavorting around fantasy-style environments with a rampaging horde of sycophantic psychos is inherently amusing.

I love team environments, like the Celtics, the Bruins. I love going into the locker room and meeting these guys.

We have to get to a point in this country where our top players are seeking out the most challenging environments.

These countries - Spain, France, Germany - have environments that are really geared toward the professional player.

I love championships. That's when I want to be at my best. I love those environments. It brings the best out of me.

Once you're in a position where you can choose to not be around toxic environments, just do that as much as you can.

World records aren't broken in practice, and competitive environments and adversity are the birthplace of champions.

I think it is so beneficial to English and British football when youngsters see different cultures and environments.

I feel like, for me, different environments are very important to me creatively. I think it's my norm to be on the move.

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