I am the epitome of coolness.

I was the epitome of rags to riches.

Wimbledon just is the epitome of tennis.

I am the epitome of a citizen legislator.

To me, Darth Vader is the epitome of evil.

Indifference, to me, is the epitome of evil.

You must radiate success before it’ll come to you.

Habitual intoxication is the epitome of every crime.

Man is a physical and spiritual epitome of the Universe.

London is the epitome of our times, and the Rome of to-day.

She was the epitome of stately sorrow each time she smiled.

Man is the epitome of all things and all knowledge is in him.

I loved writing Dumbledore and he is the epitome of goodness.

Actresses are required to perform the epitome of a certain type of femininity.

I am the epitome of what you dream to be and the reality of what you can't be.

Tiger Woods is the epitome of what people should try to be like in this country.

There is no other dog that can compare to a Corgi. They're the epitome of beauty.

Tracy Smothers was the epitome of the perfect Smoky Mountain hero. He was legitimate.

I see Walt Disney as kind of the epitome of a dreamer. He was a very forward thinker.

Marilyn Monroe to me is the epitome of glamour, and always has been since I was a kid.

Wearing colourful eyeliner in a graphic shape is the epitome of make-up as an accessory.

Deepika is the epitome of classiness and hotness; she maintains that balance really well.

The epitome of the human realm is to be stuck in a huge traffic jam of discursive thought.

One of the toughest guys in the world is Randy Couture - he is the true epitome of what a tough guy is.

I aspire to be like Paul Newman. He was a man's man, a lady's man, and the epitome of a philanthropist.

This is the ultimate team sport, and I really feel that the quarterback position is the epitome of that.

Jefferson Pierce is the epitome of what black men are: He loves his wife, his children, and the community.

I had always in the past thought The Ultimate Warrior was the epitome of a guy making money with no talent.

Trump is literally the epitome of evil, all the evils of this country - be it racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia.

I'm not an overnight sensation. I'm a Texan. And I'm a Texas success story. I am the epitome of hard work and optimism.

For me, comedians are like the epitome for everything great, and they terrify me. I just want to be them. I want to be like them.

To me, my mother is very beautiful and the epitome of a woman. She knows how to balance a busy professional life with family life.

I didn't want to be a rock and roller. I wanted to be a Bobby Darin because he was the epitome of the performer, the sophisticated.

If you want more of the same, Mitch McConnell is your guy. He is the ultimate insider. He is the epitome of dysfunction in Washington.

Society's epitome of credibility is John Wayne, who sizes up a situation and says, "Here's what I'm going to do" - and you follow him.

I am the epitome of a walking contradiction for various reasons, only one of which being that I feel my existence is of heaven and hell.

The NFL Legends Community is the epitome of service. This isn't about promoting you anymore. It's about promoting something bigger than you.

John Mayer is the epitome of the lead guitar player so I sent him an email with a bunch of my music and he sent back really detailed advice.

When you're blocking someone, or when you're running, it's all about putting force into the ground, and that's the epitome of the back squat.

A golf course is the epitome of all that is purely transitory in the universe; a space not to dwell in, but to get over as quickly as possible.

The place closest to my dad's heart, unequivocally his favourite, was Scarborough. To him it was the epitome of the English coast, postcard perfect.

The free market is the epitome of life itself. This is something that all scientists recognise because science itself operates on free market lines.

Colgate is the epitome of having it both ways. Academically, it ranks in the top twenty schools in the country, but it is also a famous party school.

I was always the biggest nerd in school: I had very few friends; I was always picked on; I used to wear really big glasses. I was the epitome of a nerd.

I had wanted to be a Calvin Klein model since I was 17. Marky Mark in his Calvin Kleins was the epitome of male sexuality. That was something I worked for.

If anybody was Mr. Jazz it was Louis Armstrong. He was the epitome of jazz and always will be. He is what I call an American standard, an American original.

To me, I'm the epitome of what a ghetto child is: I was raised by a single parent; I stayed in apartments my whole life; I don't think I've ever cut the grass.

Hats are the epitome of Englishness, and a royal wedding is the penultimate moment for a hat designer. I'm Irish, but I am a royalist and I believe in fantasy.

You don't think that mean people can be funny, and Jane Lynch is the epitome of that. If there could be, like, a gay version of 'Mean Girls,' I'd totally be in it.

If somebody says to you, 'MTV,' you think of Mick Jagger on a phone screaming at that phone: 'I want my MTV.' That, to me, was always the epitome of great advertising.

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