A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism.

I am busy touring all over Europe, Japan, and Australia.

Old ideas from an old man about an old vision of Europe.

Greater inequality in Europe has made people less happy.

The European nations take climate change very seriously.

There is but one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.

I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe

We have listened too long to the courtly Muses of Europe.

None of my counterparts in Europe interferes in politics.

Europe is weird songs that would never make it in America.

I believe that in Europe, we have a collective leadership.

I don't want to be like Europe. I want to be like America.

To understand Europe, you have to be a genius - or French.

We cannot turn our backs on Europe. We are part of Europe.

To create well I have to be in a good mood, happy and cool.

In jazz, there is a lot of European influence harmonically.

I met a lot of people in Europe. I even encountered myself.

Russia was a slave in Europe but would be a master in Asia.

We played the same thing in Europe we played in the States.

Sometimes I have the urge to conquer large parts of Europe.

Europe, I have lived in your future, and I did not like it.

You know like it has its own personality, its own character.

In Southern Europe, we have, of course, very bad governments.

The euro is our common fate, and Europe is our common future.

There is a specter haunting Europe, the specter of Communism.

I didn't tour Europe, because I didn't have any label support

Europe was not as outraged by Auschwitz as by Guantanamo Bay.

Of all the peoples of Europe, Spaniards disgust me the least.

Whether we like it or not we are consideably bound to Europe.

The idea of the European community is never face a war again.

I didn't tour Europe, because I didn't have any label support.

In America sex is an obsession. In Europe it's a fact of life.

There have been major disagreements within the European Union.

Half Europe thought... that with the Pope the Papacy was dead.

There is a grace of life which is still yours, my dear Europe.

Our aristocracy, unlike that of Europe, is open to all comers.

In America and Europe, the nomadism is of trade and curiosity.

Building up the arms did not cause the fall of Eastern Europe.

In Europe, the big word is tolerance. You tolerate everything.

Europe was founded as a community bound together by solidarity.

Most of the debts of Europe represent condensed drops of blood.

We don't want protectionism at the heart of the European Union.

I believe that London is the most exciting food city in Europe.

I am a committed European; a united Europe is Romania's future.

I love European movies and I kind of grew up on European films.

My wife loves Europe, but to me it's a bad day at a theme park.

I cannot resign myself to the decline of Europe, and of France.

I'm sure Church got some of his ideas from this trip to Europe.

In many ways Africa subsidised America and Europe's development.

There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union.

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