The Gentlemen of England serve under the greatest cad in Europe.

Europe is the unfinished negative of which America is the proof.

Europe is a democracy and differences of opinion are part of it.

I don't really have anything against Will Young or Gareth Gates.

In Europe we could do it, if we fly as soon as the event is over.

Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.

In Europe, a writer is supposed to improve up until he's about 75

The U.S. is different from Europe and other industrial countries.

There is an enormous difference between Russia and Western Europe.

I don't enjoy being in Europe for weeks on end, so I just skip it.

Obviously, there is diversity, but Europe is a union of diversity.

Europe cannot confine itself to the cultivation of its own garden.

Europe has a long and tragic history of mostly domestic terrorism.

I was much more interested in making things than in designing them.

When will Labour learn that you cannot build Jerusalem in Brussels.

I was born in Eastern Europe, in Latvia, and I'm fluent in Russian.

Life for the European is a career; for the American it is a hazard.

Marc if you want me to go to the bottom of the pool, I'll go there.

Every country in Europe needs immigrants for its economic survival.

Well, I have concerns about the effectiveness of Europe to compete.

Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong: it is a geographical expression.

The construction of Europe is an art. It is the art of the possible.

In the villages in Europe, there are still healers who tell stories.

Decisions can only be reached in Europe if France and Germany agree.

No. At the States we get no matches that are played in Europe on TV.

They seem to have moved from total opposition to total subservience.

[On Denmark:] ... that little country of cottage cheese and courage.

We, as Turkey, call on Europe to respect human rights and democracy.

We older women in Europe are lucky not to be shoved away in a drawer.

Modern instruments were designed to throw sound all in one direction.

We believe that the European Union is facing a truly historic choice.

I might have played a little bit more in Europe than I have in Japan.

If Ireland is to become a new Ireland she must first become European.

If you look at my audiences, even in Europe, they're hardly teenagers.

Oh, lovely Europe, your flowers and your wine, your bread, your music.

An India prostrate at the feet of Europe can give no hope to humanity.

Maimed but still magnificent... Europe's mightiest medieval cathedral.

Maimed but still magnificent... Europe's mightiest medieval cathedral.

The only continent with a growth rate lower than Europe is Antarctica.

Yes, the European model remains superior to that of America and Japan.

For German Social Democracy, Europe is vital to the national interest.

I don't even think of going to Europe as going to another country now.

In Japan, Australia, and England there is such a strong youth culture.

Playing Chelsea is as tough a test as you'll get in Europe these days.

Governments grow as God declines, in both Europe and the United States

I'm against the European Union, but I am very much in favor of Europe.

I have to make this love affair believable enough. It's very European.

There is no question of any erosion of essential national sovereignty.

We Germans are the most universal, the most European people of Europe.

The sorrows and disasters of Europe always brought fortune to America.

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