If you've got a huge Hollywood star in your film, they're getting $32 million, and everyone else gets their bus fare.

Just like everyone else, I was a big fan of Paul Bearer and Percy Pringle and all of the other names that he went by.

When I started as a young chef, I was Italian, and I was a woman, and everyone else in New York was French and a man.

I had to relearn how to love myself by forgetting the opinions of everyone else and focusing on my opinion of myself.

Team spirit is paramount - each of our own egos has to take a back seat. That applies to me as well as everyone else.

I was 5 when I got the speech about how I would have to work harder and longer than everyone else because I was brown.

The way I write is totally instinctive. I just write what I feel or what I find funny - and hope everyone else agrees.

My parents are immigrants to this country. They came to this country for a better opportunity just like everyone else.

I can, of course, think what I want, just like everyone else. I simply have to refrain from saying everything I think.

I schedule 'me' time because, just like everyone else, I need to unwind. I try to remember to take it easy and breathe.

I'm not just writing songs that are narrating my life, but everyone else around my age because they're super-relatable.

Now everyone leaking and tweeting and posting on everyone else is the acknowledged way to get ahead in the 21st century.

I'm just an American citizen like everyone else and I'm not sitting at the power table in the room where it all happens.

What I've learned about being a parent is how much you sort of secretly learn from everyone else and how valuable it is.

Mountaintop removal coal operations enrich only a handful of elites while impoverishing everyone else in their proximity.

That might have a lot to do with it, but you know, I probably don't show fear, but I suffer from fear like everyone else.

In social, you have to innovate in information. If you have the same thing as everyone else, you're just not interesting.

I'm glad that I had the upbringing I did where I was just part of what everyone else was a part of. And prom and all that.

I've always carried the burdens of everyone I love and try to make sure everyone else is good rather than focus on myself.

Only one guy can be world champion, and so if everyone else thought they were failures you'd have no one left on the grid.

I don't really consider myself a teacher. I think - like, I have opinions like everyone else, and I just share my opinions.

I can't say I have control over my emotions; I don't know my mind. I'm lost like everyone else. I'm certainly not a leader.

I spent the summers packing toothpaste at a factory, working where my dad worked, and everyone else had gone on a gap year!

But like everyone else I've come to the sad realisation food banks are an all-too-common feature on the streets of Britain.

In health care, the biggest imperative is: Fix those who cannot get insurance without changing the world for everyone else.

I've realized that I can't control what the hell everyone else is gonna do. People are crazy. People want different things.

Once you begin to fall off the track and believe you breathe different air to everyone else, you're doomed; you're finished.

I do take this insane pleasure in world-building. I get the world in my head, but I have to make sure everyone else gets it.

Hostility comes from loneliness, from not seeing yourself like a drop falling into the ocean of humanity like everyone else.

One of the great problems with Americans is that - being a decent people - they assume that everyone else is equally decent.

I'm an early riser. I get up between five and six, have coffee, and read for a couple of hours before everyone else gets up.

If your best players are taking a shortcut, they're going to have problems holding everyone else accountable and responsible.

My politics were really radical when I was younger, and then I moderated like everyone else does when they start having kids.

When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else.

I get up every morning the same as everyone else, and scratch my head and just get on with the job. Whatever that job may be.

I sometimes fantasize about being an old lady, when you can say the truth that everyone else is thinking and no one is saying.

I like to eat chocolate and pizza - that's my vice! - just like everyone else, but if I do it I have to keep it under control.

I made an a capella cover of Kesha when everyone else was listening to Miles Davis and people didn't like it. They imitated me.

It definitely wasn't cool in junior high, when everyone else is trying out for cheerleading, to have a life consumed by ballet.

Records don't have to be perfect. Everyone doesn't have to move left when everyone else moves left. I love hearing the mistakes.

If you're gonna make connections which are innovative... you have to not have the same bag of experiences as everyone else does.

I wasn't born with nerves. You have to take yourself out of the equation and think about everyone else - you're the entertainer.

Night shoots are great. They always feel quite mischievous and naughty because you're out working while everyone else is in bed.

I love feeling strong. You pick up your daughter with ease while everyone else makes a little grunt when they pick up their kids.

I always knew who I was, but everyone else wanted to me to be their 'idea' of the 'right' artist. At times, I even believed them.

People getting rich in a free society in general - with some scammy exceptions, which are rare - makes everyone else richer, too.

Growing up, I liked all the stuff that everyone else was listening to, like Motown, but the biggest group of all was The Beatles.

Remember you're not entitled to anything. You have to earn your success every day, and you will make mistakes like everyone else.

I was flavour of the year for a couple of years, and then, like everyone else, I faded into obscurity. I didn't car;, I loved it.

Rich people don't pay taxes? Of course they pay taxes - they pay tons in taxes. They pay for everyone else who doesn't pay taxes.

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