I don't train like a mixed martial artist. I don't respect the sport like everyone else does.

Once you get offstage you're just like everyone else, and everyone else can get into a fight.

Yes, a business should thrive, but it shouldn't thrive at the expense of everyone else losing.

As for being an objective journalist? That's easy. I want what everyone else wants: the truth.

I love writing songs, but I don't want to write the songs everyone else is asking me to write.

I don't always have the stomach muscles I have, and I get cellulite as well like everyone else.

I thought we were making a nice little movie. That's how it was regarded by everyone else, too.

I think a lot of people love to convolute what everyone else does in order to disempower women.

Another belief of mine; that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise.

If you believe in yourself, you don't have to do things the same way everyone else is doing it.

Death is not only a passing on but a time for everyone else to truthfully reflect on one's life.

I've been so low sometimes and when everyone else would be so high because I didn't like myself.

When times are tough, public employees should have to make the same sacrifices as everyone else.

I think it's good to do your own thing and want to be different, and not look like everyone else.

I went on Skins' when I was 23, and everyone else was about 17. It was like being back at school.

I'm not even sure I have a style! All I know for sure is I don't want to look like everyone else.

I'm a normal person. I'm just like you and just like everyone else - I have feelings and thoughts.

People need songs to belt out in the shower. Even if everyone else doesn't need that, I need that.

If you love yourself there's plenty left for everyone else. You just have to deflect natsy things.

Everyone else has days when they don't want to smile, when you just want to come in and be regular.

I am not really that big into fashion, where I am looking at trends or what everyone else is doing.

You choose the film, and then the film chooses everyone else; a film decides everything on its own.

People have always thought of me as being something, but I'm just a human being like everyone else.

I'm a Michael Jordan fan just like everyone else. I just don't think he's the greatest player ever.

Everyone else in the 'iCarly' cast can operate on 5 hours of sleep, but not so for 'Old Man Nathan!'

I was a player who was vying to do exactly what everyone else was doing, and I happened to be black.

Growing up in Seattle, I was always that kid who didn't subscribe to what everyone else was wearing.

What a sense of superiority it gives one to escape reading some book which everyone else is reading.

I feel a freedom when I start running. If I don't train, I feel like everyone else in the Gaza Strip.

I just want to be just as everyone else. I want to educate myself and be just like a normal teenager.

Equal justice means that there is not one set of rules for the powerful and another for everyone else.

Like everyone else, I try to do quality work with great directors. But much of it has to do with luck.

It all changed when I realized I'm not the only one on the planet who's scared. Everyone else is, too.

Win or lose, star or not, you wait for your car with everyone else, and waiting for your car is a drag.

It's very important, when everyone else seems to be pigeon-holing you, to try and pigeon-hole yourself.

Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries.

One thing about technology is that there's always a win, place, and show, and everyone else goes under.

We artists love to talk tough, but we're just as sentimental as everyone else when it comes down to it.

I have to know more than everyone else in the room. In a roomful of men, I have to know more than them.

I would say that I am a jaded man beyond most expectations, but, like everyone else, I still have hope.

People see the celebrity lifestyle and assume everything is perfect, but we're just like everyone else.

I think I'm pretty confident, and I know I'm different than everyone else, so I'm going to do what's me.

Everyone else trains just as hard as well and that there really is no such a thing as overnight success.

The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.

The precepts of the law are these: to live honestly, to injure no one, and to give everyone else his due.

I can't control what everyone else does, I can't control anybody else's behavior, but I can control mine.

I want to go to Australia and take the same goofy picture of me holding a koala that everyone else takes.

My mother still calls me Jim and that is about it. Everyone else calls me Lee. My wife calls me whatever.

I spent my whole adolescence, when you just want to be accepted, looking much younger than everyone else.

From the way I sing to what I write about to what I put out with my stamp separates me from everyone else.

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