I drink a fair amount of ramen noodles.

I travel a fair amount, read on the plane, and I read fast.

I probably carry a fair amount of sarcasm in my daily life.

I did hardly any academic work. I learnt a fair amount, though.

I spend a fair amount of time chatting to black cab drivers in London.

There is actually a fair amount of money being put behind science today.

I'd say I watch a fair amount of TV, but I'm not a TV addict by any means.

I love the diversity of my district, and it does drive a fair amount of my work.

I don't even have Facebook anymore. I spend a fair amount of time on Twitter, though.

You have to draw on a fair amount of experience in order to be able to put ideas together.

Most economies have a fair amount of tax evasion, depending on how their data systems are.

Your mid-thirties is a good time because you know a fair amount, you have some self-control.

Most of what we do is software, Internet, and mobile. A fair amount of that is transactional.

My father's politics did not influence mine. In fact, we disagreed on a fair amount of stuff.

I'm a good dad and a fair husband and I work quite a bit. That takes up a fair amount of time.

I think we Southerners have talked a fair amount of malarkey about the mystique of being Southern.

Having toddlers always means that there's a fair amount of chaos at home, but that's part of the fun.

I think the hard thing about all these tools is that it takes a fair amount of effort to become proficient.

'Floating Worlds,' which received a fair amount of attention when it was first published, deserves rediscovery.

I spend a fair amount of time dealing with email, mostly deleting them or skimming them to get a sense of what is going on.

The Courtroom is a battlefield, and oral argument requires a fair amount of verbal jousting and sparring with the Justices.

I think a fair amount of my votes were 'not-for-Ortiz,' votes and I'm going to have to work hard to earn the 'for Blake' votes.

I spend a fair amount of time on my computer, but I don't hack into anything. I have to open the manual and follow instructions.

I don't think I'm very fashionable. I drink a fair amount of Barry's Tea, from Cork - but might that be fashionable? I don't know.

I'd say there was a fair amount of skepticism at the time about whether the Internet held any promise. And of course I felt that it did.

My bedroom is my sanctuary. It's like a refuge, and it's where I do a fair amount of designing - at least conceptually, if not literally.

I think the key attributes for a good speaker are someone that's articulate and someone that puts a fair amount of humour into what they do.

Despite having seen a fair amount of the world, I still love travelling - I just have an insatiable curiosity and like looking out of a window.

I have an irregular heartbeat, so that means a fair amount of medication - and I have blood pressure pills, too, but no vitamins or supplements.

That's the way I will write characters, put a fair amount of myself in them, and then everyone else who was like that person, I will pick and choose.

Most people get a fair amount of fun out of their lives, but on balance life is suffering, and only the very young or the very foolish imagine otherwise.

Mobile devices are kind of at the opposite end of PCs, in that PCs are pretty open and you can do a fair amount with them, but many mobile devices aren't.

I probably lived more of a rock-star life when I was 15. I got in trouble a fair amount. I cared more about hanging out and skipping school than studying.

I've done a fair amount of commercials. I did a bunch of Champion spark plug ads and Levi's and Molson Beer. You wouldn't know it. But some of it's damn good.

I do get a fair amount of scripts; I got 'Frozen River' kinda just that way. I have a hard time turning my back on anybody who says they have something for me.

Much like film, authors spend a fair amount of time alone in the creative process, tossing their work out into what can feel like an abyss, void of real people.

I think that I do separate myself a fair amount. And I don't feel like I am representing women. That's up to however people interpret it once they sort of see it.

We are taking close to $10 a CD the way we are doing it, and I think that is a fair amount to split up between five guys. Each of us makes like two bucks a record.

Actors can have a fair amount of hate for each other, so when another actor says, 'You did your thing,' or 'That was inspiring,' you can't really ask for more than that.

I'm one of those people who always wanted to be a writer, so I have a fair amount of juvenilia, though fortunately, I was too old for my juvenilia to be on the Internet.

Ever since I took the plunge into active politics, I faced a fair amount of attacks and criticism from political rivals, and I had learnt to take it with a pinch of salt.

It's no secret that Cuba is a typical Latin American culture in that it has a fair amount of homophobia. Homosexuals have been notoriously persecuted under Fidel's government.

There's probably one more story about Bosnia that I'd like to do, because I spent a fair amount of time on the Serb side of the lines, which isn't apparent in the other books.

I've seen a fair amount of concert DVDs - some of them are great, some of them are not. If there are problems with them, it's usually because of budget limitations and camerawork.

When I first started out, I kinda just wanted to do comedy stuff, and thankfully, I had a fair amount of success. I've been able to be on, I think, almost virtually every American sitcom.

There is a fair amount of moderation on the site, not only for legal reasons, but for moral ones as well. We look out for bullying and just overall safety for the kids. It is a well-groomed site.

You know how people always talk about how vision is the key to entrepreneurship and perseverance and really seeing what other people don't see? We can actually redeem a fair amount of that folk wisdom.

To make time for writing, one has to take time out from somewhere. Obviously, a fair amount of time that you spend with the family gets compromised. But my family has been very understanding and supportive.

When one was looking at getting out of media, I took a fair amount of time to figure out what I want to do for the next 20 years… the one thing I am very passionate about is entrepreneurship in this country.

Conservative policies have on the whole worked - insofar as any set of policies can be said to 'work' in the real world. Conservatives of the Reagan-Bush-Gingrich-Bush years have a fair amount to be proud of.

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