I love zombie films.

I like doing family films.

I like the 'Twilight' films.

I try to space out my films.

I made short films in school.

My films are completely offbeat.

I was rejected for many-many films.

As an actor, I want to explore films.

I am a big fan of sleek action films.

I like to make films about my heroes.

In Tamil, three-hour films are normal.

I'm not a great fan of very short films.

We need less perfect but more free films.

I want to make sensible commercial films.

You can't make two films at the same time.

I don't know if I make the best gay films.

There's nothing gratuitous about my films.

My mom loved the old black-and-white films.

I was always a fan of horror films as a kid.

I would love to do films - ones that get seen.

My private life has nothing to do with my films.

Light-hearted films are not content-driven films.

With each film, I try to outdo my previous films.

I just don't want to do films for the sake of it.

I like films, but I can't sit still for very long.

I like old Disney films that have an edge to them.

I never did my eyebrows in most of my early films.

All the films I do, I write the scripts, I direct.

Everything makes me nervous - except making films.

It would be great to be 105 and still making films.

I make films according to the taste of the audience.

You always want your films to go as far as they can.

I was a big fan of all the 'X-Men' films growing up.

The films that I do tend to polarise people's views.

I think the Hammer films really made death quite sexy.

I want to make films that cater to the world audiences.

I have a love interest in every one of my films: a gun.

Making films. It gave me a voice. Legitimately saved me.

I'm married to the theater but my mistress is the films.

As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great.

I'm not willing to do heroine-centric films back-to-back.

Great films happen, and no one can make them on intention.

I care about cinema even though I haven't made many films.

I didn't have a career; I made films. It's very different.

All my films are statements, especially when I write them.

I'm no longer interested in being in big commercial films.

I'm an athlete, and I have been interested in sports films.

I have always done films with friends rather than strangers.

I like the anonymity that directors can have about their films.

I don't like alien films where you don't get to see the aliens.

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