The first step is the hardest.

That's in the First Amendment?

Hang 'em first, try 'em later.

Business first, then pleasure.

My mind goes to tragedy first.

My first car was a motorcycle.

Every job feels like my first.

Every monster was a man first.

At first I didn't dig country.

Drop dead-but first get permit

First you have to have a dream.

He who comes first, eats first.

Spirit first, technique second.

Hitler was the first superstar.

The first one, we’ll name Blue.

Silver-the first book of dreams

Be first the master of yourself

The first great law is to obey.

Let some people get rich first.

Our first priority is our kids.

There's no love like the first.

I was a guitar player first off.

People first. Technology second.

Brains first and then Hard Work.

The first loss is the best loss.

If you ain't first, you're last!

Later is always my first choice.

I'm a first-generation Canadian.

The devil was the first democrat

My first character was Mr. Toad.

First you have to help yourself.

Silence is God's first language.

Obviously music is my first job.

Truth usually stammers at first.

I like to read the ending first.

Second place is the first loser.

Survival first, then heartbreak.

My first album came out in 1979.

American workers are first rate.

He who shoots first laughs last.

First the grub, then the morals.

Hit hard, hit fast and hit often

Defense is the first act of war.

First and foremost: Feed people.

Loyalty is the first law of God.

Women and rhythm-section first!?

Start with scout locations first.

First make peace inside yourself.

Life is desert first!

Life is short. Eat dessert first.

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