There is no surer method of evading the world than by following Art, and no surer method of linking oneself to it than by Art.

To say, 'Well, he's following X person, so he believes all the things that this person believes'... I think that's ridiculous.

Long Kiss Goodnight has a huge cult following. They could make another version of that movie right now and make a lot of money.

I still love following and thinking about politics. I enjoy recommending important journalism I read or see from other sources.

The downturn following the collapse of Japan's so-called bubble economy of the 1980s was not as severe as the Great Depression.

Following your heart and working really, really hard is the best thing you can do, and just try not to be too hard on yourself.

Over the centuries, monumental upheavals in science have emerged time and again from following the leads set out by mathematics.

I think I've ignored it so much so that when the paparazzi are following me I really don't see them. You don't see them anymore.

If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin.

On the fourth day of July following, a party of about two hundred Indians attacked Boonsborough, killed one man, and wounded two.

What football means to an Italian coach is tactics, trying to control the game by following the ideas and systems of the manager.

I am following a particular diet, and it requires me to not just eat right but also at the right time. So, I carry food from home.

I probably don't have any more of a bigger following on the Internet than anybody else does - I just probably have a stranger one.

We got a gay following around the time we started using camp dancers who were stripped to the waist in cycling shorts and aviators.

How far do you go in following orders? So many people use it as an excuse, right? 'I was following orders.' But what does that mean?

We have such a loyal following in London that we decided to open a shop, and I find Albemarle Street extremely charming and special.

An influencer with a small but loyal and engaged following can often have a far greater impact than one with a much larger fan base.

I cannot determine what people or nations should do, but I do think that extremism gives birth to following and subsequent extremism.

My advice for upcoming actors is to never give up. If it's in you, keep following your dream no matter what. Perseverence is the key.

I'm yet to attack French cooking, you know, where it's intense, following recipes and stuff. I'm more of a 'make it up' kind of thing.

I have been able to help my friends and people that I believe in pay their bills and stay afloat in L.A. while following their dreams.

It seems to work out that following anything you do, you are pretty much approached with versions of the last thing people saw you in.

Like flats of today, terraces of houses gained a certain anonymity from identical facades following identical floor plans and heights.

Getting as much sleep as possible and following a healthy diet will stop you from feeling run-down if, like me, you're super-stressed.

The inner confidence in knowing who you are, believing in your dreams, and following your heart, is what make you radiate from within.

One way to define spiritual life is getting so tired and fed up with yourself you go on to something better, which is following Jesus.

I'm not a role model. I'm an aberation. A statistical anomoly. Following in my footsteps is about the dumbest thing you could ever do.

Being a Christian is not just about following commandments: it is about letting Christ take possession of our lives and transform them.

What I've learned is that you really don't need to be a celebrity or have money or have the paparazzi following you around to be famous.

A sane mind should not be guilty of a logical fallacy, yet there are very fine minds incapable of following mathematical demonstrations.

Each one of us has something to contribute. This really depends on each one doing their own thinking, but not following any kind of rule.

Style is all about being comfortable. I don't believe in following a style because it is a trend. I need to be comfortable in my clothes.

When I did 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', I had the idea on Monday and the following Tuesday it was in budget at Paramount. I couldn't walk.

My parents taught me that having a passion is a rare thing, so following it through and working hard, even when it's tough, is important.

I'm very open to following the stories that move me and reach that flexibility where you can be more flexible. I'm expanding my horizons.

We try to keep audiences coming back in greater numbers by doing the unexpected and not simply following a pattern or a mold or a formula.

With every record I put out, I got a bit more success, a bigger following in cities I would play in, and occasionally a bit of radio play.

Fashion has a political role insofar as following it can give you the impression to belonging to a certain social group or a private club.

The billions watching and following the Premier League don't tune in to see you in training. They want to know what you can do in a match.

As British and French imperialism ebbed following the end of the Second World War, America became the main outside player in Arab affairs.

I sleep very well, although sometimes it's hard to go to sleep 'cos I'm so excited about the business performance review the following day.

I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.

The only people I ever get irritated with are the ones who announce, using my Twitter handle, that they are no longer following me and why.

You can seek out a lot of publicity if you want, depending on your choices. A lot of major celebrities don't have paparazzi following them.

For children of my generation, anime was an escape from Japan's loser complex following World War II. Anime wasn't foreign. It was our own.

Jackie Kennedy was magnificent in the days and weeks immediately following her husband's assassination. She was especially wonderful to me.

I have a very staunch following, and I've had fan clubs all over the world. And these people I term as my 'cheerleaders' - my 'spark plugs.'

I think I've nurtured the following that I have to the point where I can consistently do a certain type of numbers when I put a project out.

When I moved to New York City in 1965, I wanted to be in theater. I was following my Ethel Barrymore dream. But I was too young to be Ethel.

I always tried to be Mark McGwire and hit homers like he did. I was kind of following his race, too, when he was trying to break the record.

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