We can best help you to prevent war not by repeating your words and following your methods but by finding new words and creating new methods.

On Tumblr, I'm really careful about not following too many things. I enjoy going on there to discover new things more than anywhere else now.

I just got tired of waiting for things to happen through other people when so many other people are taking chances on following their dreams.

I'm starting to get a following on Twitter. That's a really awesome power to have. It gives me the opportunity to make any kind of art I want.

Being on 'The Following' is constantly flying by the seat of my pants. The story can change and the character can change at a moment's notice.

Larry Page, Brian McClendon, and the Google Maps teams have been following our progress closely and are excited about what we've accomplished.

Westerns are a type of picture which everybody can see and enjoy. Westerns always make money. And they always increase a star's fan following.

I'd been raised Mormon, but there comes a time where you are not following what you've been taught, but discovering for yourself if it's true.

I was following my muse and I was very fortunate in having good people around me and it turned out to be a pretty good recording in my opinion.

They're simply following what was laid down in front and they play the same thing. So, there's no great challenge In being a classical drummer.

It seems to me madness to wake up in the morning and do something other than paint, considering that one may not wake up the following morning.

I've had people following me home or standing outside my house. It's strange. I just don't think people were meant to be worshipped or idolised.

When I was a kid, I never thought much about football. I thought about following in my family's footsteps and going into professional wrestling.

I asked a Burmese why women, after centuries of following their men, now walk ahead. He said there were many unexploded land mines since the war.

No matter how much time you spend reading books or following your intuition, you're gonna screw it up. Fifty times. You can't do parenting right.

Following the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, $3 per gallon gasoline became common and our nation has come under considerable strain.

I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following.

I've actually always been interested in following a character more long term, but the only place to really do that as an actor is on a TV series.

I got Twitter like two months ago, checked it out a bit more, and I concluded the only thing Twitter I'm interested in following is Nick Stoller.

The coolest thing for me is that I've been blessed with a nice following. The people that come to see me are fans, and that happens in Vegas, too.

I'm open to sci-fi, but I was never a diehard fan. I have no idea why it keeps following me. I'm extremely lucky, I guess; it's a lucrative venue.

In fashion, my inspiration comes from pop culture - the 1960s and the following years. Whereas in interior design, my influences are much broader.

I'm just following my own art, and I just think that the only thing I can do to be a great artist is do the best job I can in whatever movie I do.

From the time I signed on to 'The Following,' things have already vastly changed in the entertainment world in general. It's an adjustment for me.

If you make action movies, the critics will savage you, and then your movies are outdated the following week with the new wave of special effects.

I always wanted to do a baseball book; I love baseball. The problem is that a very large part of my following is in non-baseball playing countries.

There's no doubt in my mind that whichever commander ordered the blowing up of Kamisiyah did so in following the instructions that he had received.

I attribute my lean physique to the regime I've been following thanks to my brother Rahul who made sure fitness was of prime importance in my life.

I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome.

The English season will be over; I'm a Brazilian who loves my country, so of course I will be following and supporting the side as much as any fan.

I think the fun of following the movie box office and stocks is very similar to the fun of sports - all three combine passion and unpredictability.

It makes sense for Japan to pursue a more independent role in the world, following Latin America and others in freeing itself from U.S. domination.

It was hard to get my name out there, but luckily, I have an awesome following who would not stay silent and helped me get to where I wanted to be.

Even if certain rogue countries do things we wish nobody did, it doesn't necessarily mean that their foolishness should justify our following suit.

I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren't following me around. I get to go to the shop and buy bread and milk, and no one worries me.

I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I.

The whole government publicity situation has everybody in the news business almost in despair, with half a dozen agencies following different lines.

I'm a very, very handsome man, and have had to come to terms with it... um, do I like the way I look? In the right light, and with a following wind.

What the tech industry often forgets is that with age comes wisdom. Older workers are usually better at following direction, mentoring, and leading.

At its best, no art form is more thrilling than grand opera, yet none is at greater risk of following the dinosaurs down the cold road to extinction.

I have a moral position against the death penalty. But I took an oath of office to uphold it. Following an oath of office is also a moral obligation.

Well, Dwight was born to be No. 2 and I don't think he would know what to do as a leader. But he loves following. He would have made a great fascist.

When I sing, I try to make the song my own and sing it my way because, in my mind, I am not following any school of thought. I just make myself free.

I like to sneak in under the radar. I don't have any paparazzi following me or have to deal with that stuff. I'm never in the tabloids. I prefer that.

I've dealt with a lot of people with bad intentions. Just because somebody has a following does not mean that they are a good person or a good friend.

I like that Amelie is strange, just like me. I'm happy I've gotten to be on this journey following my 'Hamilton' journey because they're so different.

There is a lot of luck in football. Following England is like following Wycombe Wanders or Leyton Orient. You hope for the best and hope you are lucky.

My fan following is intact. They only like to see me in movies, which I am still doing for them. I do not need to do any long interviews or chat shows.

I think NBC got a little reluctant to get behind single-camera shows after 'Scrubs' didn't do what they thought it was going to do following 'Friends.'

The effects of human rights education can be dramatic in awakening people to the value and power of their own lives, as shown in the following stories.

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