I owe Frank Lampard a lot.

Frank Lampard was fantastic.

Frank McCourt is a great guy.

Frank Ocean, he's the G.O.A.T.

I got a record with Frank Ocean.

One must be frank to be relevant.

Frank Ocean is definitely amazing.

I've gotten used to being Frank Ocean.

Like Frank Sinatra, I'm doing it my way.

I played on a few Frank Sinatra sessions.

I'm Sinatra, I'm Frank Sinatra in disguise.

I've had more comebacks than Frank Sinatra.

Who wouldn't want to be Frank Sinatra's son?

Frank Ocean - I have so much respect for him.

Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things.

I was supposed to be the antithesis of Frank.

Ask Frank Stallone how far your name gets you.

USA has gone from Barney Fife to Barney Frank.

I really love the Frank Miller 'Year One' stuff.

It blows my mind the way Frank Miller can write.

I've finally found my home - as Lt. Frank Drebin.

I wish Frank Sinatra would just shut up and sing.

We were with Frank as part of his very last tour.

Frank Zappa... was Beethoven for insane rock guys.

The woman over 50 must be very frank with herself.

People like Frank Zappa were amazing for us Brits.

I'm an ambitious fellow; I'll be frank about that.

I've always liked Frank Sinata and Big Band music.

Frank liked administrative work and was good at it.

Frank Miller and David Mack are incredible artists.

The Merchants of Carolina, are fair, frank Traders.

My family is very excited about me doing Anne Frank.

Anderson isn't qualified to make Frank Mir a sandwich

I learned my phrasing from Frank. I loved him so much.

My musical development stopped when Frank Sinatra died.

When one is frank, one's very presence is a compliment.

Instantly when I'm acting, I kick into Frank Agnew face.

Well, to be frank I like natural beauty. Not artificial.

This continent, an open palm spread frank before the sky.

I had a huge Lisa Frank sticker collection. I traded them.

We exchanged many frank words in our respective languages.

My guilty pleasure, to be frank with you, is 'The Monkees.'

If Frank Sinatra is singing, maybe everything will go good.

I'd love to work with Frank Ocean. I really like his music.

One does not have to make Frank Capra movies to like people.

I've been watching Frank Shamrock fight since the beginning.

If I lose to Frank Mir, I have to find something else to do.

I worked on a film short with Frank Sinatra when I was a kid.

I love Frank Sinatra. He is one of my biggest all-time idols.

I have a tremendous respect for Professor [Frank Moore] Cross.

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