I am typically French.

I love the French horn.

I'm not a French singer.

The French have got taste.

The French are consistent.

There are no French Puritans.

Who buys French cars? Not me.

French was my first language.

The French cook; we open tins.

'Entrepreneur' is a French word.

I can make the best French toast.

It's so French to be a cat person.

French fries and vino are my vices.

I like to provoke. I'm very French.

The French are very individualistic.

I bring the spirit of French conquest.

I read French much better than I speak.

I am Parisian. I don't love the French.

I come from French Cajun Jewish people.

My mother is French, my father is Texan.

I love French stuff. Mmmm, french fries.

I guess, being French, I love Hollywood.

Nearly all Italian officers speak French.

There's something Vichy about the French.

Nothing could be more French than pastry.

I learned French before I learned Spanish.

I grew up watching a lot of French cinema.

For me the French team belongs to the past.

There is a certain dignity to being French.

I'm Canadian, but no, I don't speak French.

You never see a French person eating alone.

I am a Moroccan writer of French expression.

I never thought I could win the French Open.

I speak Italian, French, Creole and English.

I am the host with the challah French toast.

My father is Swedish and my mother is French.

I may be French, but I'm playing for Arsenal.

The French complain of everything, and always.

I speak French fluently, so that really helped.

Maybe I am not French, maybe I am from nowhere.

I do almost all my movies in French. I dub them.

There's always something fishy about the French.

I do consider myself as being French, I suppose.

I don't know what it is, but French men love me.

French people are strange about America, I think.

If it's not American, the French won't go see it.

The French revolution taught us the rights of man.

My dad is French and he's my number one style icon.

If I were not French I would choose to be - Scotch.

I like French fries; I like mashed. I love potatoes.

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