I really love fried chicken.

I make a good fried chicken.

I love to make fried chicken.

I love the smell of fried chicken.

Even the fried chicken is great cold.

Fried chicken is my husband's favorite food.

My favorite meal has always been fried chicken.

I'm a sucker for fried chicken - I really love it.

I make amazing fried chicken. The secret is taco seasoning.

My fried chicken is very simple. I pan-fry it in a skillet.

I like my fried chicken, my pizza, my peaches and my gefilte fish.

I'm from North Carolina, so I am really picky about my fried chicken.

I got my SAG card doing a Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial in Chicago.

The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken.

Roasted chicken, boiled chicken, smoked chicken, fried chicken, I love them all!

I can live my life, I can be at Disneyland and eat fried chicken, and that's my choice.

A lot of people don't know, but I love soul food. I love fried chicken and pork chops, all of that.

Even when I get the fried-chicken special of the day, I have to dig into it like it's filet mignon.

The last real job I had I was 16-years-old slinging fried chicken in my hometown of Naperville, Ill.

We grew up in Texas. We ate fried chicken and steak all the time. I didn't eat sushi until I was 24.

The food in Europe is pretty disappointing. I like fried chicken. But other than that Europe is great.

My favorite southern dish has to be fried chicken. I love to cook it. I love to have it in the summer.

Everyone loves fried chicken, Don't ever make it. Ever. Buy it from a place that makes good fried chicken.

You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.

The Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation made a bobble head of me and sent it to my management. No card, nothing.

Hef is boring to cook for. He likes a total of four main dishes: fried chicken, pot roast, pork roast and pork chop sandwich!

If I couldn't have discipline, if I sit up eatin' fried chicken in bed at night, I'd just as soon be dead. I take care of myself.

I love my husband's fried chicken, but I took it to the next level by swiping it with Cholula honey butter - I'm a total hot-sauce freak.

I'm from Georgia and grew up eating Chick-fil-A. I'm obsessed with all forms of fried chicken, like chicken briskets and chicken sandwiches.

I don't know when the last time I had fried chicken was. Must've been years. As soon as I think about eating it, I think about the stomach ache I'd get.

I survived in high school by working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and made my way up to assistant manager. I was surviving high school and college with that job.

Trevor Murdoch is mad, bad and dangerous. He's the only man I know that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.

If someone said, 'You've got to eat your next two meals at American fast-food restaurants,' I would do one meal at Chipotle and one meal at Popeyes fried chicken.

I eat cheese and salami and a lot of fried chicken. I eat a big bag of oatmeal-raisin cookies every night and I don't gain weight. I still look OK as long as I'm dressed.

Memories of my Southern upbringing in Richmond, Virginia, always include the smell of good southern food: fried chicken, cheese grits, Smithfield ham, and buttermilk biscuits.

The first time I met Beyonce she was about 18 years old, sitting in a makeup chair eating fried chicken, and I knew it was only a matter of time before everyone would know her name.

People in the media grew up in the Northeast and can't comprehend the notion that there are people who like to go out to the clay pits and shoot and, afterward, go eat fried chicken.

When I'm out, maybe I'm looking at the fried chicken, but I know I need to order the grilled. But I'm still from the country. I love my fried food and my neck bones and all that, too.

We were never the family that ordered pizza, and my mom never came home with a bucket of fried chicken. My mom always made home-cooked meals. We always sat down at the dinner table as a family.

I put Tabasco sauce over everything. Or I put it on pretty much anything that wouldn't taste gross - I mean, I wouldn't put it on salad, but I like it on fried chicken, nachos... a lot of stuff.

There are a lot of food choices in Kyochon, but I personally recommend the double fried chicken and the Soonsal series - deep-fried, boneless chicken breast strips coated in a special rice batter.

Obviously as I'm getting older, I'm seeing changes in my body that I may not like... but I do love food, and I'm from the South. I'm not gonna lie, I eat fried chicken, I love macaroni and cheese, and I love grits.

I love chicken. I love chicken products: fried chicken, roasted chicken, chicken nuggets - whatever. And going to Japan, I would see that these chicken were smoked and then grilled and then have this amazing crispy skin.

The initials BP used to stand for British Petroleum, but like Kentucky Fried Chicken, they changed their name to improve their image. Apparently, 'Petroleum,' like the word 'Fried,' connoted a company too oily for American tastes.

The most I ever ate? In one sitting? Maybe four big plates of fried chicken, biscuits, chitlins, gravy. Then dessert. Apple pie, sweet potato pie. My mother cooked that stuff, good Southern food, and when I was 300 pounds, I never missed a meal.

Mama was a natural cook. At harvest time, she would whip up a noontime dinner for the men in the field: fried chicken with milk gravy, ham, mashed potatoes, lima beans, field peas, corn, slaw, sliced tomatoes, fried apples, biscuits, and peach pie.

I do have my cheat meals. I have Oreos inside the house right now, and I have beer and fried chicken and waffles. All that good stuff. But once it comes down to when I really want to get in shape and get lean, I'll eat clean and go with whole foods.

I do all of the grocery shopping in my little family. I buy cheese, of many different kinds, sliced packaged meats and poultry, bagels, immense quantities of eggs, pre-made fried chicken. Milk. Bacon. It is insane how much dairy, deli and bakery stuff I buy.

I think it's fun to serve comfort food because it's an instant ice-breaker. If somebody's expecting fancy food, and you whip out some fried chicken, they feel like, you know, they can put their elbows on the table, and the etiquette police aren't going to come out.

I became a vegetarian in 1995. I had some fried chicken, and my teeth hit the bone. My mind said, 'Dead bird, dead bird.' It didn't feel right, so I stopped. I kept eating fish until one day, in 1997, the chef brought my ginger-fried snapper with the head still on it.

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