It's a really fun thing to do, dressing up.

To be competitive on the court is just a fun thing.

I feel like starring in a TV show is such a fun thing.

Being single has its own advantages and it's a fun thing.

It's a fun thing to do. Everyone thinks it's fun to shoot.

I love gross kissing. I think it's the most fun thing to do.

I started singing in college just as a fun thing to entertain.

Being with my kids is the best, most fun thing; it's a privilege.

Probably the most fun thing we do in our lives is getting up on stage.

We all started calling ourselves 'Ramones' because it was just a fun thing to do.

I was such a fan of Cyndi Lauper and her whole 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' thing.

I just get up every day and do what seems like the most interesting, fun thing to do.

It's not a fun thing to be the person set up in opposition to the work everyone loves.

Writing is very much a playground - an artistic playground. It's the most fun thing I do.

My parents always pushed creativity on us, but they made it seem like the fun thing to do.

The fun thing about doing origin stories is you are introducing the audience to characters.

A room full of hundreds, let alone thousands, of people is not my most fun thing in the world.

It's a fun thing to do: Go to a shooting range with a buddy, knock off a few rounds, release stress.

I'd love to set up shop somewhere and develop projects - film, TV, digital would be a fun thing to do.

The fun thing about Snapchat is really the surprise and the joy that comes from learning how to use it.

I tell my friends married life is boring, but that's just a fun thing to say to make single people feel better.

On a personal level, I love the idea of hosting an awards show. I think that sounds like kind of a fun thing to do.

I watched a lot of TV, and it clicked one day that these people were acting. It sounded like the most fun thing ever.

I think acting is a fun thing because you get to have so many lifetimes in one lifetime, being all these different people.

We had no electricity, no gas. Food was probably our greatest entertainment - the most fun thing that we could do was food.

To me, acting is like a party. It's like a fun thing to do. You don't have to worry. You don't have to agonize about anything.

You can put me in front of any kit, and it is a fun thing to have to adapt. It inspires me to try different things. I like that.

I love movies, so getting to be in the conversation and meet some of my heroes has been so fun. It's just the most fun thing ever.

Even in high school, music was just a really fun thing on the side. I don't think I grasped the fact that it could be a profession.

This is the most fun thing in the world to me, making music. Sitting down, I can make songs and not leave the booth, ever, and I love it.

I never thought I would be married at 23, but that's the fun thing about life - you don't know what is waiting for you at the next corner.

That's the fun thing about fashion: it changes. One day, we're into short, the next we're into full length for day, or half short and long.

I use all my skills that I can muster up, but the fun thing is that I find some untapped skills every once in a while. I get that from my daddy.

All of us have a lot of sides to ourselves, but the fun thing about being actor is you make one side predominant for the character you're playing.

If I'm going to be working out two hours a day, I may as well have a goal... and I'm pretty competitive by nature. A triathlon is a new fun thing.

I went to this one in Ohio, and then I became a counselor there, and it was just the most fun thing. I was so depressed when I came home from camp.

When I got involved with The Five Crowns who later became The Drifters, and we got this hit record, I still was looking at this as kind of a fun thing.

Music videos are an especially fun thing to watch - I bet from the outside, too - because you learn so much, just like in our music... It's really fun work.

I used to never feel pressure to be creative; it's always just been a fun thing. And then suddenly, it's my job, and people are asking, 'Where's the record?'

The fun thing about writing a book with multiple paths and multiple endings is you really get to explore the characters and figure out their different fates.

The fun thing about 'Chicago' is that there's so much dance and, very specifically, Roxie. So you might see a little bit of Roxie on the Sugarland stage. Who knows.

Being acknowledged by 'Vogue' and invited to do 'Today I'm Wearing' was a really great moment for me, and the photo diary of my outfits was a really fun thing to do.

I just don't see myself as retiring. As long as I'm healthy and can play the drums, that's what I'm going to do because that's the most fun thing that I know how to do.

I treaded water academically and spent much of my summertime as a camp counselor. It seemed a fun thing to do for a person in no way prepared to commit to a career path.

Something like 'Dr. Thirteen,' which features no big characters, was probably the most fun thing I've worked on because the story was so great, and it was written so well.

You can sometimes sneak a political joke in, which is sometimes the most effective place for a political joke - when it's not expected. It's just the most fun thing to do.

I don't know how many people really knew who I was before the Olympics and that's the fun thing of the Olympics - you get to know someone who captures your heart, hopefully.

The old fun thing is when somebody typed up the first chapter of War and Peace. And then made a precis of the rest of it and sent it out and only one publisher recognized it.

It wasn't until I got into seventh grade, I think, that I realized that doing plays might be a fun thing, and so I auditioned for the school play - and got in, as it turned out.

For me, as a kid desperate to make music, I thought the only way I could do it was to try to be a superstar - which is a fun thing to be, but it can be exhausting and degrading.

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