I'm not a gadget freak.

I'm a big gadget queen.

I'm a bit of a gadget freak.

The computer is really a useful gadget for consuming time.

I don't really flaunt any gadget, but I am loving my Nokia Lumia.

My phone is my favorite travel gadget because it has my translator.

I may be a gadget freak, but let me tell you clearly, I'm not on Twitter.

When I started running, a gadget was a wristwatch with a secondhand on it.

I would love to have a gadget that can be worn in high heel shoes, so that it doesn't hurt!

A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone.

I was a child of a tech family. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist and was always a gadget guy.

Every great device, gadget, electric car, and robot would be even greater if batteries didn't suck so badly.

I'm not a big gadget guy. When I write, I'll do the whole thing by hand, and then I'll put it into the computer.

I'm not really gadget oriented. I'm not into technology or computers. I'm not good at interfacing with that sort of gear.

My first transistor radio was the heart of my gadget love today. It fit in my hand and brought me a world of music 24 / 7.

Pass a lot, use some reverses and toss in a gadget play once in a while for the TV audience. None of that detracts from winning.

My new iPhone, I'm obsessed. My iPod. I love all the Mac crap. AppleTV, I'm crazy about that. I'd rather buy a new gadget than, like, a purse.

If you look at the history of technology gadget makers, hardware makers, it's littered with the corpses of Palm and RIM and companies like that.

Well, I was never a 'gadget girl.' But in the last few years, the Blackberry and the iPad have changed my life or rather have become a part of my life.

That's the nice thing about doing research. Whatever you do is novel, so you always have this sense of novelty, even if you are only using a new gadget.

I hate Botox, but a fabulous-looking friend of mine told me her secret was this gadget that uses electrical impulses to tone your facial muscles. It works!

I am a not exactly a gadget freak and have the regular phones. But I keep multiple phones because if there's a network issue in one, then I can use another one.

I'm a huge gadget freak. I look on CNet literally every day to see what new gizmos are out there. I love technology. I'm constantly e-mailing. I've got the iPhone.

It was just so elaborate and so luxurious. We had every gadget imaginable. You know, I had the little gun that came out, and I had the little gun in the heel of the shoe.

We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office, you need to create a virtual boundary that didn't exist before.

How do you photograph a gadget in a new, and not boring, way? You have to get away from people sitting in front of a computer. You have to get a look at the digital signature.

I remember seeing the song in some diners on the selection gadget that plays records at the table while you were eating. We were never told if the songs ever got on any charts.

I love doing all the tech videos, especially unboxings. That's usually my initial reaction to everything: I'm super excited, so getting to unbox a new gadget, so it's so exciting!

I love my garlic press; in fact, it is probably my one true desert island gadget. But I'm happy to put it aside whenever the smell and sweet taste of slow-cooked garlic is called for.

I'm a great believer in the principle of try it and work it out. If a gadget is designed well, you can easily work out how to use it. But if you can't, it isn't shameful to read the instructions.

If you only buy one kitchen gadget at uni, make it a NutriBullet.They're relatively small and inexpensive, and they make it so incredibly easy to get all of your portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

It's no secret that in our society, and many before, people are trend followers. For some reason, they feel better about themselves if they are dressed in the latest fashion or have the newest tech gadget.

I played the organ when I went to military school, when I was 10. They had a huge organ, the second-largest pipe organ in New York State. I loved all the buttons and the gadgets. I've always been a gadget man.

My mother never met a gadget she didn't like. There were tube pans for baking the angel food cakes my father could have after his first heart attack, and Bundt pans and loaf pans and baking pans and grilling pans.

I'm very excited to be joining the 'Gadget Show' family. I'm always keen to try out new gadgets, so it's going to be brilliant to be able to get my hands on the latest models and test them on behalf of the viewers.

I remember being with my mum eating marmalade on toast watching 'Inspector Gadget,' 'Sharky and George,' 'The Pink Panther,' and 'Thundercats,' stuff like that. Those were the days - no idea how brutal the world is.

I'm quite enthusiastic about any kind of gadget and app and feature and things that enable me to have a very convenient lifestyle. We buy our groceries on the Internet; I buy furniture, clothes for myself and my kids.

Stand in my lobby at 5:30 P.M., and there is no one who gets out of the lift who is not on a gadget. No one is talking to each other. I get in the lift and say, 'Hello,' and everyone's head is down tapping on a screen.

I don't even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment. I also will use any gadget or device that I find that helps me achieve the sort of sound on the guitar that I want to get.

An astrolabe is relatively unknown in today's world. But, at the time, in the 13th century, it was the gadget of the day. It was the world's first popular computer. And it was a device that, in fact, is a model of the sky.

We are strangely biased, as individuals and media institutions, to focus on big sudden changes, whether good or bad - amazing breakthroughs, such as a new gadget that gets released, or catastrophic failures, like a plane crash.

I'm in the Apple store on Regent Street far too much; I'm obsessed by whatever the latest Apple gadget is. For clothes, I love to shop in Liam Gallagher's shop Pretty Green on Carnaby Street, or Cult Clothing in Crouch End, for Original Penguin and G-Star.

The ideal vacuum cleaner would be one you never see. It needs to not just be a cool gadget, but a product that cleans your floor correctly. I can imagine people having a cupboard full of robots that only come out when you need them to fulfil a specific purpose.

As a child, I'd help my mum cook, and it was ridiculous - she had the correct gadget or utensil for everything. 'Stop! Don't use that, I have exactly the right utensil.' After I left home, I survived on cup-a-meals and never saw myself as being like her. Now I've become her.

The perfect gadget would somehow allow me to fly. Isn't that what everybody wants? It would also cook a damn good microwave pizza. So while in flight you had something to eat - an in-flight meal. Where would I go? Well, nowadays, it would probably just take me to work a lot quicker.

I always wanted my kids to like me and think I was funny, so I made up this story about a kid named Jake and his racecar that he had built from scratch, fully loaded with whatever fantastical gadget he or I wanted him to have at the moment. I loved making up the stories off the top of my head.

In the 1920s and 30s, when Radio Shack was young, a much earlier generation of nerds swarmed into these tiny shops to talk excitedly about building radios and other transmission devices. You might say that Radio Shack helped define gadget culture for four generations, from radio whizzes up to smartphone dorks.

The cheapest gadget - and you don't even have to spend a dime - is chopsticks from a Chinese restaurant. I use them for everything: to toss salads, to turn a piece of meat in the pan, to flip croquettes in the Fryolator, to whisk eggs for omelets, to stir eggs into fried rice when I make that for my daughters.

I have a fondness for technology. It's great to spend hours puttering around with mechanical things gotten from junkyards and visualizing what their use might be. Especially if you come across a gadget or tool and you don't know what it is and you try to figure it out. I'm fascinated by processes, whatever they might be.

I'm not a gadget freak, so to say. I own an iPhone, which I love, and would sorely love to upgrade to MacBook Air from my current MacBook Pro. But what gets me going is the technology behind the gadgets, new websites, new apps. And I'm way too much into social media - FB, Twitter and Instagram are always open on my phone.

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