Advertising is a very fundamental need, so I don't think it's going to go away.

I don't normally have time to read, so when I go away I like to take a few books.

I like the notion of making stuff up or letting your imagination go away with you.

To me, ideas are like annoying salespeople that only go away once I've built them.

Music is my life. If music takes a backseat, everything will go away from my life.

I'm not so good during the summer, because that's when all my superpowers go away.

I'm nervous before all games, but once I hit that first shot, the jitters go away.

I'm not worried about no charts or how long it's been out. Our records never go away.

I left Cambodia when I was 12 or 13. I didn't really escape, but I needed to go away.

If I cannot be the best or operate at the best highest level, then I need to go away.

Look, natural gas, just like oil, is going to eventually go away. It's not renewable.

It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.

There will always be someone being picked on at school, and it's not going to go away.

I understand English; I read and write English perfectly, but the accent won't go away.

You are in the back of your head somewhere and you want to close your eyes and go away.

'The Office' is not one of those things you move away from. I don't want it to go away.

I never failed to convince an audience that the best thing they could do was to go away.

I don't make resolutions, because resolutions seem so ephemeral and transient to go away.

Things can go away just like that. You got to be always respectful and nice and positive.

Festering political problems do not go away simply because they are kept in a dark corner.

I was never going to be one to just go away quietly and get on with things in the shadows.

The real reason you want to give everything on the field is so your own fans go away happy.

Everyone knows what toothache's like: it's one of those dull pains that just won't go away.

The guys who spend their time brooding in their younger years either lighten up or go away.

I go away to places in Europe or America and I feel uncomfortable; I can't wait to get home.

Cats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal.

The way you stop a takedown in wrestling is to meet force with force. You don't try to go away.

She knows more of love than the poets can say, and her eyes offer something that won't go away.

Yes, I have cancer and it might not go away, but I can still have a future because life goes on.

Love won't be tampered with, love won't go away. Push it to one side and it creeps to the other.

I have dreams where everything will disappear or go away, so I'm always working harder each year.

For a long time, the Indonesian government ignored 'The Act of Killing,' hoping it would go away.

Writer's block! It doesn't exist. You just long for ideas to go away so you have an idea of peace.

Football, like boxing, will never go away, just occupy a different role in the American zeitgeist.

I live for my children, so my number one rule is I won't go away from home for more than two weeks.

Each time I go away internationally or even to the mainland, I always love coming back to Tasmania.

I personally own six or seven thousand books, so I - and I certainly don't want to see them go away.

There's nothing worse than having a very strong female character and then suddenly having it go away.

When you win a championship, it is a great feeling, and you really don't want that feeling to go away.

There are an awful lot of people out there that don't want to see Boston go away, and I'm one of them.

I'll probably continue to write about heartbreak forever. That stuff doesn't go away as you get older.

A good use for me is to let me go away with my sewing machine and come back with some really new stuff.

It's very refreshing to go away and take a break, to clear your head, and just get into something else.

A lot of communities pretend they don't have homeless and just ignore them or try to make them go away.

This object that we hold in our hands, a book... that tactile pleasure, it's just not going to go away.

The vampire story is something that has existed since 'Nosferatu,' and I don't think it's gonna go away.

I'd love for it to go away and for people not to see NXT as a downgrade. I definitely don't think it is.

I don't think malls are going to go away. People still need somewhere to go, but they do have to evolve.

No matter how tired you get, when you get in that ring and hear that crowd road, everything will go away.

So if I design it and then go away, it's still living somewhere and it still exists by itself without me.

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