I'm in good shape.

My soul is in good shape.

I was always in good shape.

The global economy is in pretty good shape.

To be a striker you need to be in good shape.

I'm working out every day. I'm in very good shape.

You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.

To play a soccer game, you have to be in very good shape.

Training is a lifestyle for me, so I'm always in good shape.

If our message reaches the kitchen tables, we are in good shape.

I was in really good shape after I finished this movie, 'End of Watch.'

I heal quickly, and I stay in good shape, and I will stay in good shape.

I got a fantastic person to work me out and get me into really good shape.

I have always taken everything as it comes and tried to stay in good shape.

My dad was a boxer, so he was in pretty good shape, and we had weights around.

I feel fine about getting older because I'm in good shape. I'm 64 and I feel good.

I got tested to see what condition my brain is in. And it's not in real good shape.

Acting is a tough business, and you need to be in good shape mentally and physically.

I used to arm wrestle my roommate in college. Based on that, I'm in pretty good shape.

When I'm in really good shape, I like my butt. It's juicy - that's what my fiance says.

I was a tiger, a good fighter, in good shape, but I was always nervous before boxing matches.

I look at myself like a show dog. I've got to keep her clipped and trimmed and in good shape.

When I'm on tour, I'm in really good shape. When I get home, I cook, I eat, I get fat and happy.

I've always been in good shape. I just sucked early in my career from a statistical perspective.

I'm trying to get myself in good shape, do my workouts, so that when I am back, I am ready to go.

I am a person who has to move. I'm like a shark - if it doesn't move, it dies. I'm in good shape.

The biggest danger is trying to put too much pressure on yourself, trying to get in too good shape.

Back when I was competing in the Olympia I think you saw a lot of guys who were in really good shape.

I play football once or twice a week. I eat pretty healthy. I'm in fairly good shape most of the time.

As long as I did the good things associated with religion, I thought I was in good shape spiritually, too.

Overall, I think I'm in pretty good shape, but I'm not really someone that is gung-ho or a fitness fanatic.

The most important thing is if you keep your body in good shape, you know what you have to do for your body.

Obviously I'm very disappointed. I trained very hard this summer and felt in a good shape to play the U.S. Open.

Fortunately, I have always played a lot of sports, so I keep my lungs in good shape. That translates to singing as well.

People really haven't seen me in good shape. I understand that. I created that by myself. There is no one else to blame but me.

I work out a lot. I started to work out on the road as much as I can, but I work out a lot at home to keep myself in good shape.

I really love training and being in good shape, and it's so much a part of my life now, so it never really feels like work to me.

I care about this beautiful planet that we all share. This is a home that we have to leave in good shape for the next generations.

I'm in good shape. My cancer means I have lost a lot of organs and I'm a lot lighter. I have devoted myself to yoga and I'm doing handstands.

There are so many different factors - luck, being in good shape when it matters, the draw. For these reasons, it's hard to win a European Cup.

I think my health is probably fine. Let's be honest, you never know what could happen to somebody, but I think I'm in very good shape right now.

People need to understand that I came this far being chubby and all that. Imagine how far I could go actually being in good shape and looking good.

In ten episodes, we were able to do our writers' room first. We did that all summer and wrote for 15 weeks and got everything in really good shape.

If the whole U.S. was like Silicon Valley, we'd be in good shape. But now, the entire U.S. is not driven by technology, is not driven by innovation.

I wanna get myself in such good shape that no matter how much I push myself in a fight, I know that the other guy is gonna be a little bit more tired.

I keep myself in good shape and prepare myself for when I'm ready to go back to wrestling. I always like to be ready to do this thing that I love the most.

It's totally different from last year because I came in with good shape with no health worries so it was about going out there and running well and enjoying it.

I have my own worries and concerns and frustrations, but I'm doing something I love to do. My wife and kids are in good shape. What is there not to be happy about?

One of the things Coach Salazar always tells me is you're in just as good shape as anyone else and as long as you're in it with 400 meters to go, you can't give up.

My mom is from Europe, so we always grew up eating organic foods and working out and keeping in good shape, sleeping eight hours a night and drinking lots of water.

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