The good will of the governed will be starved if not fed by the good ...

The good will of the governed will be starved if not fed by the good deeds of the governors.

I miss being governor.

Our supreme governors, the mob.

Governor Romney is a good debater.

I don’t want to be a lonely governor.

It's my job as governor to set a vision.

Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.

I do not wish to be either governor nor governed!

I've made more cuts than any governor has ever made.

I'm chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

Have you no morals, man?' 'Can't afford them,Governor.

The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.

There is only one governor, and his name is Gray Davis.

My nomination to be Governor was not to gratify ambition.

My sense is, as governor I've gotten a lot of stuff done.

As governor, I learned the importance of having an agenda.

Beautiful, luscious and flowing. Atop the governor's head.

I took action as governor to preserve the sanctity of life.

I ended up being the governor of a very ag state, Nebraska.

I believe in Governor Romney. I believe in him as a leader.

Governors compete. States compete. People & businesses decide.

Why be a governor or senator when you can be king of Disneyland?

Well, I don't know too many governors who are flaming ideologues.

Ronald Reagan wasn't qualified to be governor, let alone president.

The more debris there is the more it will show the governor's activity.

I have a reputation for taking on governors a lot more powerful than me.

I have been governor every now and then, but I am a forester all the time.

As governor, part of my job is to tell people things they don't like to hear.

if the people are to be our governors, they must arm themselves with knowledge.

If you look at where presidents come from, they're former governors or senators.

Unfortunately, Governor Bush is a Pat Robertson Republican who will lose to Al Gore.

It was very constraining, much more than I ever would have thought, to run for governor.

I don't go around every other day calling for governors to resign. I don't think I ever have.

Luckily, I'm a governor - so I get to tell you what I've already done not just what I'm going to do.

Governors should be defined not just by what they do and say, but who they surround themselves with.

I never imagined, never imagined I would have the opportunity to be governor of the state that I love.

Preserving and protecting the state tobacco settlement funds is the nation's Governors highest priority.

If you're a governor of a big state, people sense your presence a little bit, even your fellow governors.

Whenever I am among my fellow Governors, I am struck by how many face the same education improvement issues.

It's no accident that the fastest growing states with the best economies are all led by Republican governors.

I did not do anything wrong as a governor, even if you accept the verdict as it is, it doesn't indicate that.

I think the governors would all agree that what we don't want from the federal government is unfunded mandates.

I've gone from being one of the youngest governors to now the longest consecutive serving governor in the country.

The majority of Puerto Ricans in Florida and New York are Democrats, but nonetheless, we have Republican governors.

My opinion of our Parliamentarians is shared by all of us who are victims of governors who have ruled over us selfishly.

I'm not in the business of satisfying everybody. I'm in the business of trying to satisfy the people who elected me governor.

Governors, all things being equal, I'd rather have a governor in the White House than somebody that's not had that experience.

As your governor, you’re going to be seeing a lot of me on the front page, saying ‘Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.’

Washington, D.C. is full of think tanks, theoreticians and advocacy groups. Governors are the ones whose feet are on the ground.

I'm a chairman on the Board of Governors for the East-West Players, the longest-running Asian-American theater company in America.

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