If you jump, you best jump far.

I'm kind of a graphic novel ambassador.

I gravitate toward floral and graphic prints.

I'm more into graphic novels than comic books.

I would love to do a full-scale graphic novel.

I don't think anyone has written a great graphic novel.

I'm an artist, so I love the graphic design of Instagram.

You know, I read graphic novels but not encyclopedically.

I love doing logos. I've been a graphic artist all my life.

The 'Barnaby' books were always intended to be graphic novels.

Yazılım konusunda iddialı insanlar kendi donanımlarını yapmalılar.

Apart from photography and music videos, I also do graphic design.

My kids love anime, but I don't show them the really graphic stuff.

I'm no mathematician, so I'm stuck with the graphic representations.

I didn't think that personal style had much value in graphic design.

The beauty is in finding, not in what you find ; that is just an excuse.

Photography led me to experiment in graphic work and, actually, painting.

Comic books and graphic novels are a great medium. It's incredibly underused.

My personal style is very eclectic. I like graphic shapes and multiple layers.

Always tell only the truth, and all the truth, and do so promptly - right now.

I love written books and novels, but I really love graphic novels and comic books!

Writing a graphic novel is hard. It feels closer to a screen play than to a novel.

Companies that have strong graphic identities have built them through years of use.

I'm a cartoonist. I write and draw comic books and graphic novels. I'm also a coder.

I think graphic novels are closer to prose than film, which is a really different form.

Graphic novels let you take risks that just wouldn't fly in the conventional book form.

Wearing colourful eyeliner in a graphic shape is the epitome of make-up as an accessory.

I kind of backed into rap music. I thought I was going to do comic books or graphic art.

I have a background in graphic design and have been designing t-shirt graphics for years.

The graphic novel is a great form that can be used to marry the book format with the movie.

If I had to rank my skills, I have a long way to go before I can write a good graphic novel.

I love movies, but I would love to write as many graphic novels as people would read from me.

I certainly think we're going to see more and more graphic novels and more illustrated novels.

As both a fine artist and a graphic designer, I specialize in the visual presentation of words.

Perhaps because of my background as a graphic designer, I'm drawn to rich and beautiful colors.

What the Sermon describes in a graphic manner, the Bhagavadgita reduces to a scientific formula.

My overall artistic goal is to marry graphic design with comic books and traditional storytelling.

I'm not not a fan of graphic novels, but it's not like one of my pastimes, reading graphic novels.

'The Great Comic Book Artists' is about three score of the best practitioners of graphic story art.

When I read 'Maus,' I realized you could tell a story of tremendous import using the graphic novel.

When I put together a graphic novel, I don't think about literary prose. I think about storytelling.

You need a graphic understanding of a situation to make a complete judgment and we didn't have that.

Some graphic narrative art presses against the panel: you wrestle with it at the level of the paper.

I like the idea of making big budget films with a heart. I like graphic novels more than comic books.

I really like books that you can kind of hear as much as think about, that are so graphic and visual.

Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors.

What happened I think on Sept. 11 was we were given graphic and clear evidence that things had changed.

Of course, I did lots of what would be called graphic design now, what used to be called commercial art.

Right and wrong do not exist in graphic design. There is only effective and non-effective communication.

My background was in graphic design, but when I was doing it, it was all hand-drawn stuff, not computers.

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