I have great memories.

I have a great memory.

I had great memories as a child artist.

Here's to many more firsts and many more great memories.

'Silver Spoons' was great memories - absolutely the best.

I'm leaving the game of hockey with nothing but great memories.

I have some really great memories with the Clippers organization.

I've grown up a lot, and I have such great memories of playing football.

To be a liar, you've got to have a great memory, and I don't have a memory.

I won almost everything there is to win and I look back with great memories.

It's sad to know I'm done. But looking back, I've got a lot of great memories.

Broken Matt Hardy was born in Impact Wrestling and I think he had great memories.

I have great memories of my years in Edmonton and the players who were my teammates.

I have great memories of being a Cub, and I'm happy building new ones with the Phillies.

I have so many great memories of the Allman Brothers early days. It was an incredible time.

I have so many great memories of Christmas because we're always spending it with the family.

I have a lot of great memories, but I can't imagine anything more exciting than the life I have now.

I have a lot of great memories of playing in Dallas as a kid, and I'm proud to represent Nacogdoches.

Everywhere in my house are these little things that have meanings and make me think of great memories.

Brisbane is my favourite tournament... I have great memories here and always like to start the year here.

I have memories of films that nobody ever saw, that I was very proud of, and those are still great memories.

There were a lot of great memories around 'Star Wars.' It was a foundation - probably for my interest in movies.

I hope our fans will be able to make great memories with us through the music and performances we show on stage.

I don't know what you're going through life doing if you're not really trying to collect some really great memories.

My ex Shar tried to hide me, but Britney was proud to be with me. I have so many great memories that outweigh the bad.

Philly will always have a special place in my heart, and I will cherish the great memories with the city and my teammates there.

Yes, I would have loved to win it, but I have great memories from World Cups. The 2007 tournament - my first - was very special.

As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach - great memories!

I grew up hunting and fishing in Land Between the Lakes. I have so many great memories of camping with my mom over at Redd Hollow.

It's tough out there, but obviously I have a lot of great memories and a lot of pride for being a part of the Rockets organization.

It feels like I've been singing since I was born, and I have so many great memories with my family and friends centred around music.

I still hold myself and my marriage up very high. I look upon it with great pride, great honor and great memories. I have no regrets.

I cannot believe that 'Pinocchio' is over yet, and I always think about so many great memories that I made while playing in the drama.

People have told me, 'My dad passed on, but I have great memories of watching your shows with him.' It doesn't get any better than that.

I have great memories of Tottenham. I spent four great years there with a lot of emotions, with a lot of love from the club and the fans.

Each time I watch a Liverpool game, I feel something special, especially whenever it's at Anfield, because it brings back great memories.

I have memories of watching the Champions League as a kid in France. We all supported different teams and they were intense moments. Great memories.

The Cottage was one of my favourite stadiums to play in. It was such an intimate atmosphere, and I've just got so many great memories of playing there.

I have great memories of watching SEC football with my father on Saturdays and playing football in the backyard with my two brothers right here in Gainesville.

My first bat was a Duncan Fearnley 405, size two. I was aged about four. I loved that bat, such great memories. I gave it to a family member and never saw it again.

I enjoyed playing against Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool but the north London derby was totally different. I have so many great memories from this fixture.

There was always laughter in our house. And I have great memories of my dad making an Ulster fry on a Saturday morning. They were legendary even though he couldn't really cook.

High school is what kind of grows you into the person you are. I have great memories, good and bad, some learning experiences and some that I'll take with me the rest of my life.

Indy, I have lots of great memories from there, and probably the part of me that doesn't feel quite as longing for it is that there is still a chance that I could do it again. It's not gone.

I have so many great memories of the wrestling business. I've worked real hard to get to the top, and how many flukes and breaks to have happened that had allowed me to have the success that I did.

I have great memories of playing in the Champions League at Celtic Park. That was something I will never forget, and of course we won a championship and that's something no-one can take away from me.

I have great memories of the old Times Square - wouldn't have missed being here to see that place for the world - but I can also deal with the new Times Square in the overall scheme of N.Y. City 2010.

I'm really thankful for the opportunity the Marlins gave me. They drafted me in 2010 and gave me a chance to play in the big leagues. I made lifelong friends there, and I've got a lot of great memories.

I do love the Nat King Cole stuff, the classic Christmas records. There's something about putting those records on and hearing his voice at Christmastime that brings back a lot of great memories of growing up.

There are so many positives and great memories I will take with me from Wimbledon 2018. It was always part of the dream to play in a Wimbledon final. It means so much for me to have played in the championship match.

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