Driverless cars are a great thing.

No great thing is created suddenly.

No, I think marriage is a great thing.

Unrequited love is always a great thing.

Pop has to exist and it's a great thing.

Being known for musicals is a great thing.

It's a great thing that yoga is so popular.

Being on the court is a great thing for me.

Community service has been a great thing for me.

I always knew writing a novel was a great thing.

I'm just more into playing golf. It's a great thing.

The great thing about Dallas is there's no paparazzi.

And then a great thing in my life was going to India.

It's a great thing to play a final in your capital city.

The great thing about country songs is the storytelling.

The great thing about the STP catalog is it's diversity.

To be the outsider is actually a great thing in England.

Having 'Oscar winner' on your tombstone is a great thing.

I have nothing against getting married. It's a great thing.

The great thing about musicals is that they transcend race.

Fashion is a great thing, it's a way to express who you are.

The great thing about stage is that you have a live audience.

The great thing about baseball is there's a crisis every day.

The great thing about 'Camelot' is that it is an adult drama.

Fantasy football is not only a good thing, but a great thing.

Just keep challenging yourself. I think that's a great thing.

A TV show is constant work, which is the great thing about it.

The great thing about Yes is that it has always been flexible.

The great thing about fashion is that it always looks forward.

For me, the great thing about music is that anybody can do it.

That's the great thing about this sport: it's always different.

The great thing about being a woman is the power of reinvention.

It's such a great thing to work with people and not have a plan.

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

The great thing about Little League was that anyone could play it.

I think we'll all keep pushing each other, which is a great thing.

The great thing is to have been surrounded by stories all my life.

The great thing about capitalism is that it's a system that works.

That's one great thing about my profession, traveling to locations.

I think it's a great thing to support fashion and support designers.

The great thing about this thing we call art is that it has no rules.

The great thing about books is that you can end with a question mark.

Chelsea are a massive family, that is the great thing about the club.

That's the great thing about New York, there's always something to do.

The great thing about Starz is that there's not a lot of restrictions.

The great thing about being an artist is, we want our work to be seen.

Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing.

It's always a great thing getting to play in the last game of the year.

I think when an actress is good, roles in mid-forties is a great thing.

Nickelback offered me a full-membership position. That's a great thing.

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