To work with one of your heroes is the greatest things you can ever hope for.

Sincerity and the correct use of the voice are the greatest things in the art of acting.

Being yourself is one of the greatest things you can possibly do. Being true to yourself.

The greatest things are accomplished by individual people, not by committees or companies.

I love romance and talking about love, and I think it's one of the greatest things you can talk about.

Food never ends. It's one of the greatest things about working on food - we're always going to need food.

One of the greatest things about playing a villain is people wondering when he's going to make his comeback.

Some of the greatest things, as I understand, they have come about by serendipity, the greatest discoveries.

Hope and encouragement, especially hope, is probably one of the greatest things you can give another person.

Every day, I genuinely count my blessings. One of the greatest things in life is to do a job you really enjoy.

One of the reasons boxing is one of the greatest things to happen to my life is because it made me human again.

You would think that a rock star being married to a supermodel would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is.

I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don't point fingers and we have class.

I love amazing people. I love dazzling them. That's why I think performing magic is one of the greatest things a person can do.

I think 'Westworld' and 'Hap and Leonard' are two of the greatest things that you can do with this oversized pool of the television medium.

One of the greatest things about getting older as an actor is that you settle into who you are and you don't begrudge everyone else what they have.

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs there is. It's one of the greatest things, too, but it's also probably the hardest thing anybody ever does.

One of the greatest things about the theatre is how it can completely change the way you see the world around you. 'Dear Evan Hansen' did this for me.

One of the greatest things about my job is that I can enjoy all the successes of a show, but can still go out in public, not like say, Michael Jordan.

I do love comedy, I have to say. That's one of the greatest things about being an actor: You get to try new things and play around in different genres.

The greatest things in life tend to happen outside our comfort zones, and doubting your ability to step outside of your comfort zone will keep you stuck.

One of the greatest things that Apple and Jobs were very good at doing was daring to do the very different thing. It's what I did with my cookbook, frankly.

While Safeco's turnaround is one of the greatest things I have ever participated in, the heart-wrenching decisions to let people go will stay with me forever.

One of the greatest things drama can do, at it's best, is to redefine the words we use every day such as love, home, family, loyalty and envy. Tragedy need not be a downer.

Working with Kanye is one of the greatest things ever. It's also one of the most nerve-wracking things ever. He's, like, the most critical, particular, artistic person ever.

One of the greatest things I fear is letting down my people. I wouldn't live with that type of conscience, of having let down my people after they've been brutalized for so long.

When I got to college, as I was walking across campus one day, I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever done.

The very greatest things - great thoughts, discoveries, inventions - have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.

There are certain shows or people that I would love to work with. One of the greatest things about our business is that if you get to fan out on people you might actually get to meet.

One thing is certain: our families are important. Don't get so stressed out and so preoccupied that we neglect one of the greatest things that God has given us, and that's our families.

It is a lot of responsibility. But I enjoy being a father. That's one of the best parts of my life. I feel like, man, that's one of the greatest things I've got going on, being a father.

One of the greatest things to hear on a date is 'I never do this,' which translates to 'I pretty much always do this but I'm conflicted about it and I'd really like you to believe I don't.'

Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. There is nothing small in it. Far the greatest things grow by God's law out of the smallest. But to live your life, you must discipline it.

See, one of the greatest things about living in the United States is that we have the absolute freedom to say whatever we want about our government, while being protected against government retaliation.

Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.

One of the greatest things that could really happen to Africa is for us to get rid of the borders and for the leadership not to think that the countries belong to them... We didn't create the borders to start with.

When I'm on the road for fashion shows, I love room service. I think it's one of the greatest things in the world. I usually like to keep it simple with soup, but my big indulgence is French fries or chicken fingers.

Your first projects aren't the greatest things in the world, and they may have no money value, they may go nowhere, but that is how you learn - you put so much effort into making something right if it is for yourself.

One of the greatest things about the book is that everything we know about 'It,' it's pretty speculative. We see it from the point of view of Loser's and that's what makes it so scary. We never get to know exactly what it is.

I was born and raised in Kansas. The worst things are the locusts, mosquitos, the flatness, the humidity. The greatest things are the simplicity of life, watching the thunderheads building on the horizon, and running through cornfields.

This is the city that kind of formulated who I am. And, not only that, but to be black in Atlanta is one of the greatest things because you can go anywhere and feel familiar with anyone who's right next to you, from Bankhead to Buckhead.

One of the greatest things about writing as a profession is that the words of Tolstoy, Chesterton and Dostoyevsky have lived for a hundred years and are just as powerful today. Their words have changed me just as much as the people I actually met.

We have a society in which one of the greatest things you can do is a platform to see victim status, and one of the qualifications for that is that you have these exquisitely tender feelings about things and sensibilities which are easily offended.

I think to be - for me to be an American is - you know, it's one of the greatest things in the world for - you know, for me just because I've been able to grow up with everything. The freedom. You know, in my eyes this is the greatest country in the world.

We think it's a blessing that we were able to bring our music to the world. That our music has not only inspired our communities but other communities. That's one of the greatest things an artist in any field could know: that you've touched the mind of another artist.

One of the greatest things about being an artist is, as you get older, if you keep working hard in relationship to what you want the world to be and how you want it to become, there is a history of interesting growth that resonates with different moments in your life.

One of the greatest things about our band is that we bring the American dream to the world. Here's a bunch of kids that were living in nowhere New Jersey, and we made it through a lot of practice and a lot of work and a lot of luck. It shows the world, 'If we did it, you can do it.'

I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to do it for the corduroy jackets with patches on the side. When I got to college, as I was walking across campus one day, I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever done.

My father's encouragement is what has brought me this far, because when I grew up I wanted to be like him, and I knew I had that ability to become an athlete. Being an Olympian is one of the greatest things, and being an Olympic gold medallist is one of the most prestigious titles in the world.

I like the relationship between the master and the student. Each piece has new problems, and each is different. They're all an indentured servitude. There's that subjugation that you have to put yourself under. It's a give and take. There is work involved, and during that time, the greatest things are revealed.

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