I'm kind of all over the place, and I need grounding.

My heritage has been my grounding, and it has brought me peace.

I am only this successful because I'm so good at grounding myself.

There's a lesson in everything. Looking for the lesson is grounding.

Ballet is such a disciplined craft and it has given me a good grounding.

Like many others, I sometimes find that cooking can be naturally grounding.

Putting your hands in the earth is very grounding, if you'll excuse the pun.

I have a good grounding in yoga. I have been doing it from my graduation days.

I am convinced that no one is fully educated without a full grounding in the arts.

I think we need to start thinking about grounding our moral systems in our biology.

Thank goodness I was brought up with the grounding of my parents, and taught manners.

I was brought up by a really proud, supportive family, so I have that sort of grounding.

Fundamentally I am a wrestler and like being on top and I like my grounding and pounding.

A theoretical grounding in agronomy must, therefore, include knowledge of biological laws.

We got our grounding by playing live. You had to fall flat on your face, pay your dues and grow.

Citizens can have their own grounding in their comprehensive doctrines, whatever they happen to be.

I feel that doing theater does give you a good grounding to work on camera. The audience is the lens.

For me the bare feet are grounding. I'm connected to the Earth in a way that I cannot be any other way.

I use fitness as a grounding tool to keep me balanced; nutrition is the same, to keep me at optimum levels.

I think there's a certain sense of grounding that comes from not being a rich kid from a media-elite school.

Yoga changed my life. I go between 4 and 6 times a week. It's incredibly grounding and an intense level of focus.

Love is the grounding of our existence as humans and is the basic emotioning in our systemic identity as human beings.

Science fiction is about things that plausibly might happen. Grounding my work in the real world helps make that clear.

First and foremost, praying about things and having the good Lord as a part of my life is a huge grounding thing for me.

I found going to school when I was modeling very grounding. It's really kept my perspective on bigger things in my life.

We have to start grounding our policies in facts and recognize that a strong economy is critical for funding progressive priorities.

Some of my songs are about the feeling you belong somewhere else. But there's also something grounding about coming from a small town.

My mum always told me I was precious, while my dad always told me I was worthless. I think that's a good grounding for a balanced life.

One way of grounding the magic is by putting in lots of stuff about street lamps, carriages, and how difficult it is to get good servants.

I have always said the Olympics was a great grounding for me, to have that pressure on top of me, the whole nation watching you in my own country.

Mayo College, where I got my grounding, is a private boarding school. It is a traditional school with brilliant teachers including some from overseas.

My mother is an amazing vocalist and a lot of my grounding in music has come from her. She was a student of Lakshmi Shankar, my father's sister- in- law.

There can be no better grounding for a lifetime as an author than to see humanity in all its various guises through the lens of the reporter for the town.

I am part of an age-old profession of musicianship. I believe these times require grounding, real-ness and fun. Let's do it. Whatever happens is all good.

To be famous these days with no grounding and no substance is not especially difficult. I urge you instead to seek to be relevant, to be agile and educated.

Although religion was around me my whole life I never felt it was forced upon me. It is my centring, my grounding, the soul of me. I feel I'm nothing without it.

My mala beads are very precious to me. A yoga teacher and friend named Leslie made them for me with love and intention. They are very grounding, and I love them.

To me, a public servant should have both the grounding and the compassion to carry the common sense and good will of his or her neighbors into the political arena.

My wife and family, to say the least, are the center of my life; they are my grounding. I don't want to sound schmaltzy, but they are my inspiration and you name it.

If you want to act, do school plays. If they're not there, create them, and the same with local repertory. They are the grounding for a lot of people. Make it happen.

The academy gave me a grounding in discipline and hard work that has sustained me throughout my life, and the lessons I learned there I now try to impress on young people.

Grounding airplanes to cover your butt would never have let Orville or Wilbur change the world. We would still be spending weeks to cross the Atlantic to do business in London.

Rotten Tomatoes is such a great website, in that it has one foot in the Internet world and one foot in the cinema world, and it keeps its grounding between them just perfectly.

The whole concept of 'grounding' children is utterly stupid - they just go off and rebel and don't like you. When my kids eventually come along, I don't want them to not like me.

A hot bath, time with a book, or five minutes of meditation helps tremendously with recharging and grounding us so we are more equipped to deal with everything life throws our way.

To have a stable relationship in this career, to have a grounding rock, is very important because the career is so tumultuous. It's nice to have some stability somewhere in your life.

Kids aren't political, but around 10 years old, they are beginning to develop the moral grounding that might later, in their teens, develop into their first real political perspectives.

Without grounding, it's easy to embrace the 'baller' lifestyle: dropping out of tech, throwing money at cars, boats and real estate, and slipping into a cycle of spending and indulgence.

I feel like theatre gives me the grounding, and keeps me alive, basically. Film gives me the thrill, and it's like a one night stand. But I do enjoy being around people who love it so much.

I had a bit of a lazy streak to me, I had high opinions of myself without any real grounding reason to, I made a bit of television that did ok, and all of a sudden life was pretty relaxed for me.

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