We're getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends - we're renegades.

Country radio is much more like a family than any other group of people that I've met.

Today different ethnic groups and different nations come together due to common sense.

One Direction is the main thing I'm doing and I'm 100 per cent dedicated to the group.

As a group, anthropologists are not too fond of people who work in the business world.

We must have...a place where children can have a whole group of adults they can trust.

I think that songwriting changed when groups started spending more time in the studio.

When you got a group like G-Unit... we sold millions of records, we got a lot of egos.

I was sympathetic to virtually all groups that wanted to get away from the old system.

Within even the most social group there are many relations that are not as yet social.

Groups are corporations now. They have pension plans. Musicians have saw the daylight.

Politicians will pander to special-interest groups eager to gain at the public expense.

Group personification obscures, rather than illuminates, important political questions.

If any of our songs ever did make it on the top ten, I'd disband the group immediately.

In all communities you find groups that behave badly. But you must understand them too.

Journalists are divided into two groups: those who live by ethics, and those who don't.

We are a social animal, power only exists in a social sense, we have to work in groups.

Among Hindu groups, none has made as great an impact on America as the Vedanta Society.

To me the cynics are the ones in the boardrooms with the reports from the focus groups.

There is no group in America that can withstand the force of an aroused public opinion.

There's always a different energy when you're surrounded by a group of women creatives.

I might be the only chick in the group, but that didn't make me the damsel in distress.

There's a group I've been close to, since childhood. We spend a lot of time together.'.

War is an attempt of one group to impose its will upon another group by armed violence.

Power is what men seek, and any group that gets it will abuse it. It is the same story.

When the rights of any individual or group are chipped away, the freedom of all erodes.

The only group in America that deserves to scrutinize what we are doing... are parents.

I never imagined I'd be a solo artist. And now I couldn't imagine being part of a group.

As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.

The Beatles did treat me as a member of the group. And that was a great honor, you know?

Yet church youth groups rarely teach apologetics, majoring instead on games and goodies.

I'm not really part of any group or clique or gang because that's always been my nature.

I was an intimate sort of child who never spoke up in groups. I preferred close friends.

Different groups in different areas developed different traits to assure their survival.

Shifting loyalties in the Middle East make it difficult to vet supposed moderate groups.

I've never been the type of guy that had a lot of friends or was part of the cool group.

My favorite muscle to train is TRICEPS! Always has been my stongest muscle group as well.

You know all the surveys say that evangelicals have the best sex life of any other group.

I was in group therapy for years but it wasn't the same thing. It was more about growing.

Obviously any group that has to have funding also needs to get attention to their issues.

The kingdom of God is within man, not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you!

In South Africa, we kind of like looking for things that unite people in big, big groups.

Community groups contend that door-to-door loan sales are often followed by foreclosures.

Whenever a society wants to demonize a particular group, it prohibits them from marrying.

There are two kinds of people I cannot abide: bigots and any well-organized ethnic group.

Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.

It's very difficult to speak to a large group of people these days and not offend someone.

It's made me cynical at a young age to see how overlooked certain groups I've admired are.

Groups are grammatical fictions; only individuals exist, and each individual is different.

Losers assemble in small groups & complain, winners assemble as a team & find ways to win.

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