I want to write about grown-up things.

I am a grown-up but I am still a kid at heart.

I'd hate to be too grown-up. That would be dull.

I wanted to play some more grown-up music - jazz.

I don't want to be a grown-up anymore; it's hard!

I'm a grown-up now, and I value the training I had.

You can't be a grown-up woman and not like chocolate.

I've never lost a grown-up child, but I have known loss.

It's a difficult thing to lose a child, a grown-up child.

I'm not actually sure I'm grown-up enough for grown-up books.

Because I was an only child, I lived in a very grown-up world.

I've always seen myself as a grown-up. Since I was a little kid.

When you're young, the blue blazer feels like a grown-up costume.

Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.

I think being a dad is scary. I mean, I'm not that grown-up myself.

I feel like 2012 was the first year I actually felt like a grown-up.

In Europe, we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.

That's my proudest accomplishment: that I don't feel like a grown-up.

My imagination is closer to a child's imagination than to a grown-up's.

What other grown-up gets told how to do their job so often as a writer?

It always feel like people are doing more grown-up things than you are.

When I was growing up, the top movies dealt with grown-up, complex emotions.

If you want to tell grown-up fairy tales, you have to look for the dark side.

Racism is a grown-up disease, and we should stop using our kids to spread it.

The makers of entertainment must try, in our field, to be honest and grown-up.

As a performer you often feel that you're the child and everyone else is a grown-up.

Being a grown-up woman doesn't mean you can't look beautiful, individual and different.

By the time I turned 18, I moved into a little chalet of my own and felt very grown-up.

A child learns to discard his ideals, whereas a grown-up never wears out his short pants.

It's like I somehow snuck a seat at the grown-up table. I'm just trying not to get caught.

I'm not very good with conventional, prim-and-proper people who are well-behaved, grown-up.

Only people who have been allowed to practise freedom can have the grown-up look in their eyes.

Owning flatware makes me feel like a grown-up. That and knowing that flatware is called flatware.

Grown-up clothes are more appealing because customers need to be able to project themselves into them.

I was pretty much grown-up by the time I attended school in Britain - or as grown-up as I'll ever get.

For me, I had just come from kids telly, 'Dancing on Ice' was the first grown-up telly I had ever done.

Little children love bright, shiny things - and in my experience, most grown-up women aren't very different!

We mothers of grown-up daughters tend to view them with a mixture of love, exasperation, irritation and awe.

This is a shameful thing to say, but I've never really got that 'grown-up' mind-set. I have to buy forks? Why?

I just act like a kid on purpose. But I feel like a grown-up when I talk to my friends and they ask for advice.

I think of the biopics I've written as exploring a more grown-up side of myself, through other characters' lives.

I've never had a couch that needed to be cleaned or learned how to couch-clean in general. That feels too grown-up.

I like grown-up comedy, where it's about character and attitude and life as opposed to obvious gross-out and jokes.

Other people can write grown-up, political plays about the troubles in the world. My plays deal with magic and hope.

Kids are smart. Knowledge is power. Let them figure things out. Don't turn into that grown-up who they won't come to.

I have my own grown-up versions of temper tantrums, too. I have a hard time not getting hurt when my kids have meltdowns.

To me, being grown-up meant smoking cigarettes, drinking cocktails, and dressing up in high heels and glamourous outfits.

Grown-up parties are so dull they make me want to throw a tantrum and hurl red wine on the nearest cream-damask armchair.

As a little girl, my dollhouse allowed me to imagine a big, perfect, grown-up life in which I'd be effortlessly domestic.

I've been able to play a kid up to this point and pretend that I'm not a grown-up - well, at least for two hours a night!

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