It is fun to smash guitars.

I'm full of dust and guitars.

I don't really collect guitars.

Really young kids are into guitars.

I live, breathe, and sleep guitars.

You know, I write songs, I repair guitars.

You can't beat 2 guitars, bass, and drums.

Tone on jazz guitars is a real tough issue.

You can't beat two guitars, bass, and drums.

I've always loved big riffs and chunky guitars.

My son, Wolfgang, plays drums, guitars and bass.

I have too many options when it comes to guitars.

I use Gibson guitars; I prefer the Les Paul custom.

When it came to rock, I was always drawn to guitars.

I don't really collect guitars like some musicians do.

I probably own 100 guitars and all of them are electric.

All of my writing has guitars behind it, even the novels.

I'm a kooky collector and own a couple of hundred guitars.

Guitars are like women. You'll never get them totally right.

I'm not a guitar collector. I own some guitars because I play.

The more guitars we have onstage the better, as I'm concerned.

I'm a strong advocate for music. I think guitars are wonderful.

I've had three wives and three guitars. I still play the guitars.

I'm a bad guitar tuner. I have to pay somebody to tune my guitars.

I like guitars in the Fender style because they have skinny necks.

I can't take any more white boys noodling around on their guitars.

I have about nine guitars in all, so obviously I'm into collecting.

Banjos, dobros, and acoustic guitars are not our first instruments.

There are no electric guitars. 'Hunchback' has arias; it's operatic.

Some people collect this or that. I'm a musician; I collect guitars.

I still believe guitars will be around as long as there's rock music.

My guitars are my umbilical cord. They're directly wired into my head.

Guitars are kind of just, you know, sexy, especially old vintage ones.

And as far as guitars go, I loved Jimmy Bryant and Speedy West's stuff.

I was too broke to buy a guitar so I more borrowed guitars from friends.

Strats are my favorite electric guitars, and I've got quite a collection.

I like my guitars to be kinda worn. I don't like it when they're all shiny.

Spittin' blood, smokin' guitars, fire everywhere - Kiss is where I started.

I'm not a collector, however, and I have no desire to own 50 or 60 guitars.

People used to trade their guitars to get new ones; I never traded anything.

Cowboys had guitars. And they sang country 'cause they lived in the country.

I love to collect guitars made in the 1950s. I like preserving and playing them.

If you make rock music with guitars in it, the Radiohead comparison is inevitable.

I'm pretty loyal to my guitars, you know, but then they're pretty loyal to me, too.

He was like a real dad, you know. We used to sit down with guitars and mess around.

Without question Gibson guitars are the finest, most revered guitars on the planet.

I play a little but also like to keep the guitars around for when friends come over.

I've played in pipe bands in Scotland, and I've always played guitars and drums and stuff.

I've been buying guitars since 1964, and you fool yourself into thinking it's the last one.

I think I've probably had one of my guitars on display at every Hard Rock Cafe in the world.

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