Yorkshire is a hard place to ride a bike.

Hollywood is a very hard place to be in. It really is.

Paris is a hard place to leave, even when it rains incessantly and one coughs continually from the dampness.

When women are in positions of power it's a hard place to be, especially when that position involves bossing men around.

They tell you in Washington that if you want a friend, get a dog. That is not true. Get a family. This is a hard place to be.

London can be quite lonely and a hard place to live, but I do love it. It is where I forged my way to live. It is where I call home.

I played at Anfield twice when I was with Stoke and it's a hard place to go, we all know that Liverpool is one of the best teams in the Premier League.

You know Manchester is always a bit of a hard place for people coming from London, just with all the history. Manchester has this immensely huge and healthy history musically.

And that's the mistake that was made with Steel Pier. Roger was caught between a rock and hard place. It would have cost a couple of million dollars more to take it to Boston or someplace first. So we opened about a month too early.

LA's a very hard place to be unless you have people there that love you. It can be very, very lonely, and it can eat you up if you don't take care of yourself. In LA, nobody wants to talk to each other, everybody's giving each other catty looks.

What happens for a lot of veterans when they come home, especially when they get back to their community is that they can go to a very tough and hard place and they start to wonder, 'What's next for me?' and they ask themselves, 'Why did this happen to me?'

Heath, I believed in him when I first met him, and helped and supported him. He went on to obvious success in the States and then I had him support me. It can be a lonely, horrible, hard place. It's great just to have someone to call to say 'I know, man, I was there'

As a little kid in a sometimes hard place, I went to the movies as often as I could. Movies - making them, seeing them - is not something that could ever lose its pleasure for me. That puts them on a short list of things that eternally give me joy - love, family, food, movies.

The requests for blurbs seem to come in waves. I'm not sure what precipitates them. I think it must be excruciating for editors to draft those elaborate letters asking for a blurb, and I know it's torturous for us writers to ask directly. But publishers encourage us to. Rock and a hard place.

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