All socialism involves slavery.

My take on fashion involves comfort.

To be alive at all involves some risk.

Singing involves a great deal of psychology.

I'd like to do something that involves music.

A typical day for me involves a lot of meetings.

Food safety involves everybody in the food chain.

Life involves other people and it is a compromise.

Giving back involves a certain amount of giving up.

A great deal of the work I do involves the military.

Any goal worth achieving involves an element of risk.

A great deal of our work involves switching music off.

Groundbreaking research involves a high level of risk.

Art history is littered with work that involves light.

A window of opportunity for me usually involves a rock.

I want to make money but not if it involves exploitation.

I'm no good at really anything that involves motor skills.

The test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves.

Just the notion of falling for someone, that involves weakness.

True happiness involves the full use of one's power and talents.

Poetry is a political act because it involves telling the truth.

Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.

To know anything well involves a profound sensation of ignorance.

Turning into a full-fledged comedian involves a lot of hardships.

Democracy involves that old-fashioned thing called working it out.

As you get older, you realize happiness involves a lot of problems.

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, the power to destroy.

In F1 everything involves money, but there are other details to work on.

If you're writing a screenplay from scratch, it involves a lot of creation.

Any negotiation involves compromise and no one will get everything they want.

Writing humour certainly involves pain. A sitcom is 6 months of writing pain!

Improvised music involves a lot of intuition and I like developing intuition.

I think any story line that involves a relationship is going to be interesting.

Method involves a slavish addiction to laws, and we can only aspire to anarchy.

The great thing about football is that it's a game that involves so many people.

Poetry involves the mysteries of the irrational perceived through rational words.

Hacking involves a different way of looking at problems that no one's thought of.

Secrecy involves a tension which, at the moment of revelation, finds its release.

Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with the Catholic Church.

I believe that you have to live a life that involves both courage and compassion.

In fitness, there are no short cuts. It involves immense discipline and hard work.

I believe a training plan that involves MMA techniques is a sure way to being fit.

When a role involves physical transformation, it helps build the character better.

Parenthood involves massive sacrifice: money, attention, time and emotional energy.

For me, the whole process involves envisioning this book in my head as I'm working.

Buying involves decision-making. It's a performance activity, like sports or acting.

I'd love to take up organic vegetable gardening, do anything that involves learning.

A critical part of our relationship with Laos involves addressing the legacy of war.

I've never liked much of reality television, mostly because it involves humiliation.

Progress and healing involves seeing every person as not so different from ourselves.

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