I was a hyper little kid.

I'm just a sweet little kid.

I'm just a little kid from Akron.

I was a very confident little kid.

I always feel like a goofy little kid.

I was sort of a sissy as a little kid.

When I was a little kid, I told stories.

I was a little chubby, rosy-cheeked kid.

I basically was a precocious little kid.

I always composed music as a little kid.

I was a comedy fan when I was a little kid.

I've watched Urkel since I was a little kid.

As a little kid, I suppose I was a little weird.

Madonna was my favorite when I was a little kid.

I began cutting up fish when I was a little kid.

I've been curious ever since I was a little kid.

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be an actor.

I've been an Eagles fan since I was a little kid.

I've always loved music since I was a little kid.

Ever since I was a little kid, I was competitive.

I've worked with horses since I was a little kid.

As a little kid, I was convinced that I was a guy.

I was always the pouty little kid whenever I lost.

I loved listening to laughter even as a little kid.

I was always that little kid that irritated people.

I don't think I've changed since I was a little kid.

I have been watching Brazil since I was a little kid.

As a little kid, I was obsessed with Michael Jackson.

As a little kid, I would watch Oprah almost every day.

Well, everyone likes movies when they're a little kid.

I've been obsessed with death since I was a little kid.

Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be in combat.

When I was little kid, I used to want to be a rock star.

I'm a little kid from St. Louis, Missouri, on the inside.

When I was a little kid, I was very impressed with Elvis.

I've had an interest in politics since I was a little kid.

Ever since I was a little kid, I've always felt un-trusted.

I've been my mom's kitchen helper since I was a little kid.

I loved Westerns as a little kid, and I loved horror films.

I'm a huge Disney nut. I have been since I was a little kid.

I don't know how to not be outside since I was a little kid.

When I was a little kid, I used to really embarrass my parents.

Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to start a record label.

I still feel inside like a little kid from Spokane with a dream.

When I was a little kid, I always wanted to be an oceanographer.

I've always seen myself as a grown-up. Since I was a little kid.

I think I wanted to be a nature show host since I was a little kid.

I'm really into Spider-Man, in particular. Since I was a little kid.

I love Kashi. I eat cereal like a little kid. I carry it in my purse.

I don't like doing stand-up for little kids. It's not geared for that.

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