Every ruler is harsh whose laws is new.

Every ruler is harsh whose laws is new.

The real world is harsh.

I can really harsh on myself.

'Villain' is such a harsh word.

Be harsh with yourself at times.

I DJ and I'm a harsh critic of DJs.

I'm a harsh critic, you know? I am.

No country. is as harsh as the world.

I'm a harsh critic of the status quo.

I feel like I'm quite harsh on myself.

Everybody's been in harsh relationships.

Whoever is new to power is always harsh.

Necessity is harsh. Fate has no reprieve.

I can be harsh but I don't think I'm mean.

Plain and not honest is too harsh a style.

You are very harsh.' 'I have seen the world.

An intemperate patient makes a harsh doctor.

Harsh words live in the dungeon of the heart

What harsh judges fathers are to all young men!

Harsh reality is always better than false hope.

Failure is a teacher; a harsh one, but the best.

People are very harsh critics of animated humans.

khalepa ta kala, greek. It means 'beauty is harsh'.

Life is funny, at the same time being totally harsh.

Kids can be harsh, especially when they get jealous.

You know that social media can be a harsh thing, man.

I take the harsh criticism along with the compliments.

If there is a God, then he was particularly harsh to me

A lot of independent films offer a harsh reality check.

Well, I'm always a bit harsh about the things I'm doing.

Americans are really harsh about British people's teeth.

If there is a God, then he was particularly harsh to me.

You can't go fighting everyone that's harsh towards you.

In the harsh face of life faith can read a bracing gospel.

I try not to read blogs. The comments are extremely harsh.

My parents are going to kill me!" "That seems rather harsh.

I'm so hard on myself and a really harsh critic of my work.

And woven into the fabric of this harsh existence was music.

I'm honestly offended whenever someone says I'm being harsh.

I got a lot of criticism online and a lot of harsh comments.

The cold harsh reality is that we have to balance the budget.

I don't want to live in real life. It's too harsh, too brutal.

I love Trinidad and I love living there, but it's quite harsh.

I think, as a country, that we can be quite harsh on ourselves.

No. Harsh truth was better than comfortable lies. It had to be.

I'm suited to harsh conditions, I don't like racing in the heat.

Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.

Post-divorce, the world can feel harsh and full of jagged edges.

Life's harsh. You can't escape what you are and what you project.

If content with himself and mankind, a man is never harsh or curt.

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