I don't want that to be the headline.

Headlines twice the size of the events.

How's this for a headline? 'French fries'.

Follow the trend lines, not the headlines.

Even if I sneeze, it would make headlines.

When I gain a pound it's in the headlines.

You couldnt make headlines with raised eyebrows

Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes.

As long as there are headlines I'll have material.

A coach should not stir up headlines after a match.

These days, headlines are trying to get you to click.

Some people make headlines while others make history.

You don't have to make the headlines to make a difference.

Let the other fellow get the headlines. I'll take the laws.

Today's headlines and history's judgement are not the same.

I don't need headlines. For me, it's the truth that matters.

Today's headlines and history's judgment are rarely the same.

I'm smart enough to know, 'Don't try and make any headlines.'

Whenever you're the leader in any industry, you get more headlines.

Tough talk often draws headlines, but war rarely conforms to slogans.

You say something stupid and the next morning you're in the headlines.

I never write fewer than sixteen headlines for a single advertisement.

I don't want a headline saying 'Kennedy suggests this or implies that.'

'Boldly going where hundreds have gone before' does not make headlines.

Hyperbolic headlines always attract more attention than mundane truths.

It's old news, me and my accent, but it always seems to make headlines.

When I dont have work to talk about, I dont need to be in the headlines.

In this age of 24-7 headlines, the term 'newsweekly' seems almost quaint.

A good headline can make an advertisement good even if the picture is poor.

Readers travel so fast they don't stop to decipher the meaning of obscure headlines.

An advertisement will be a good one - that is if the headline is really a "stopper."

When you do a cartoon based on news headlines, you do it based on incomplete information.

I do a lot of things behind the scenes. I do a lot of things that don't hit the headlines.

Bill Murray made the headlines by throwing me down and stomped me on the set with Clemson.

You are reading a bold and universal headline which says ,’I am here, I am here, I am here.

My interest generally is the hidden Americans; the ones who live far away from the headlines.

I want to show people how I really am. Most people are only familiar with some of the headlines.

It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.

The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.

My God... What are the headlines going to be like on Monday if the Yankees don't make the playoffs?

The headlines are never in the news! And so, what I am saying is the news is never on the headlines

A long headline that really says something is more effective than a brief heading that says nothing.

The condition of rage is one in which I find myself starting my day - once I see the news headlines.

The headline here is not that a woman exposed a breast. It is, rather, that a breast exposed a woman.

You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog - it's about the lure - not the rod.

The writing of headline is one of the great journalistic arts. They either conceal or reveal am interest

Avoid the "hard-to-grasp" headline - the headline that requires thought and is not clear at first glance.

American prejudices about Europe rarely surface in headlines, but they are real, pervasive, and ingrained.

It's been years, decades, since a president has lost a major trade initiative. That would be bad headlines.

I, perhaps wrongly, assume that people actually read articles that interest them rather than just headlines.

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