Theater feeds my heart and soul.

My heart and soul is still music.

I have put my heart and soul in 'Baaz.'

I always gave my heart and soul for the game.

I put my heart and soul into anything I take up.

I loved Harry Truman with all my heart and soul.

Peace does exist. It exists in your heart and soul.

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and soul.

Cavall came simply, and gave him his heart and soul.

Music is my heart and soul. That's what I love to do.

If business has my mind, music has my heart and soul.

I love this game, and I put my heart and soul into it.

I come from an era of music when it had heart and soul.

The heart and soul of pop is newness, excitement, innovation.

The heart and soul of the company is creativity and innovation.

If I can't put my heart and soul into a film, I don't take it up.

Skating was the vessel into which I could pour my heart and soul.

You bring children into the world. You love them with heart and soul.

I think that people should do what their heart and soul tells them to do.

In my heart and soul, I always knew that I wanted to be in show business.

There's heart and soul in everyone, and we need to respect people's choices.

You can't mass produce somebody's heart and soul. It's a very delicate thing.

I've just put my heart and soul in a song and need at least a week to recover.

I have only one rule in acting - trust the director and give him heart and soul.

Acting is a bit of a heart and soul exercise with me. It's kind of all I've got.

When I'm in a relationship, I give my heart and soul to it and do it 100 percent.

You put your heart and soul into something and it makes you a little bit vulnerable.

I just care about the heart and soul of our country and the direction it's headed in.

I do not take up a responsibility unless I am sure of putting my heart and soul into it.

I completely believe that the 'Saw' movies do have heart and soul and morals and values.

In my heart and soul, I am a West Country man, and ideally, my weekends are spent there.

That's always at the heart and soul of Disney's features, the feeling of a family values.

I love making movies. But it's a lot of investing your heart and soul. It can be exhausting.

When I make an album I love to spend a long time making it and put my heart and soul into it.

It takes more than just a good looking body. You've got to have the heart and soul to go with it.

I'm a busy girl, and I've been switching gears from telly and putting my heart and soul into music.

Rock was always part of my heart and soul. But the times just changed and everybody wanted to dance.

I've always given attention to detail. I've always given my heart and soul into a lyric, into a line.

You put your heart and soul into something, and you really hope that people love it as much as you do.

I put my heart and soul into it every single day, to go out there and try and win games for the Astros.

I am with you heart and soul in the great cause to which you are devoting all your energy and your life.

QLA is not about filling your brain with information - it is starting a fire within your heart and soul!

I'm a documentary photographer. That's what I've always wanted to be; that's where my heart and soul is.

As a songwriter, it's very hard to listen to music that's not coming from the heart and soul, personally.

If you can save one body, and one heart and soul and mind, then it's a worthy cause and a worthy venture.

Never try to copy other writers, and never try to have a formula. It has to come from your heart and soul.

The films you do are not just for the audience. As an actor, you are putting your heart and soul into them.

The Napoli fans want players who put their heart and soul into the match and who fight for every possession.

The heart and soul of a Navy SEAL is somebody who's committed to their country and committed to their teammates.

Be true to your heart... put your whole heart and soul into it, and then whatever you do, it will shine through.

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