Sell my old clothes - I'm off to heaven

It's like recycling: selling old clothes to help make new ones.

Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.

Sometimes I put on a ski mask and dress in old clothes, go out on the streets and beg for quarters.

I'd experienced the '40s and '50s by looking at my grandparents' old clothes, books, and magazines.

Lots of people think they're charitable if they give away their old clothes and things they don't want.

I have a habit of collecting all my old stuff. I still have all my old clothes and old cars, but my wife spends all my money.

I used to dress up in my mom's old clothes and play with these kids from the neighbourhood and make up stories: I would pretend that we were all vampires.

When you feel stuck in a hard time, jump-start a pro-change attitude by letting go of possessions that no longer work for you - like old clothes and old shoes.

I think when you look at architectural photography it doesn't help to have piles of old clothes lying on the floor. Architectural photography sets up an artifice.

Rich kids gave us their old clothes. They were the best clothes we ever had. We were these very pure, naive, poor children. The rich kids called us a lot of names but it never bothered us because we didn't know what the words meant.

I love all things crafty. I love to make jewelry. I love to cut up old clothes and turn them into something new. I love projects like transforming a busted table into a shiny new table. I'm really into restoration and little side projects.

I have been blessed with friends who do things rather than buy things: friends who will change books at the library, take a bag of your old clothes to a thrift store, bring you cuttings and plant them in a window box, fill the bird feeder in your garden when you can't get out.

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