The Clergy is the greatest hindrance to faith.

Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance.

My looks mean nothing to me. If anything, they are a hindrance.

I am a hindrance to the world, and the world is a hindrance to me.

Traveling is not a hindrance for me; it's something I actually enjoy.

I didn't feel like I fitted in. I felt like I was a hindrance to A-ha.

The biggest hindrance to learning is fear of showing one's self a fool.

Disability should not be considered a hindrance to achieving one's goals.

A monk's extraordinary patience can be a hindrance to desperate decision-making.

The despotism of custom is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement.

I don't know, the older I get, the more complicated I think I get, which is a hindrance.

Moreover, I am confident when I act without make-up; I feel free, as there is no hindrance.

I'm determined to not let my skin colour or the fact that I come from Africa be a hindrance.

I think being famous is more of a hindrance, a constraint, than just letting yourself be free.

The man who gives up accomplishes nothing and is only a hindrance. The man who does not give up can move mountains.

I can write anywhere. I actually wrote more than I ever did when I had small children. My children were never a hindrance.

I know I should not be a hindrance to SoftBank's future growth and that I need to pass on the baton to the younger generation.

I only seek in my old age to perfect that which I had not before thoroughly learned in my youth, because my sins were a hindrance to me.

Fences would be a hindrance to terrorists should they decide to come across a land border between the U.S. and Mexico and to California.

I'm very technical in everything I do. But one thing I don't do is set goals. Goals are actually a hindrance to me, because they limit you.

I don't think that 'Just Mohabbat' or 'Tarzan' were a hindrance. 'Tarzan' didn't do well at the box office but I would say the kids loved it.

For the rich and powerful, pregnancy might not be an obstacle - it might even help one's career. But for the rest of us, it remains a hindrance.

Having a track record to live up to and the history of successes had become a hindrance. It becomes harder to break out of what people expect you to do.

Everyone gets knocked back, no one rises smoothly to the top without hindrance. The ones who succeed are those who say, right, let’s give it another go.

I was frequently told at drama school that I was thinking too much. And I still have to suppress that part of me because it can sometimes be a hindrance.

With acting, if I'm any good at it, my modeling career would never be a hindrance but would rather be a help. And if I'm not, then it doesn't really matter.

If you live in a crowded area of Brooklyn or Manhattan, having a car is a hindrance. It doesn't even make sense. I basically grew up all my life without a car.

I believe that if man and woman cherish the same ideals and think alike, then the marriage can be complementary to each other's work instead of being a hindrance.

A lot of people relate me to the blues but I don't think it's a hindrance at this point. I've been doing it long enough that I can do different things and be accepted.

The money can be a hindrance to someone like me because the danger is that you start thinking, 'Is that a $20 million take?' That kind of thing, and being self-critical.

You see, nature will do exactly what it must, and if we are a hindrance to its development, to even its destructive powers to reform itself and we are in a way, we will go.

As an ambassador for the aid agency Cafod and the Anthony Nolan Trust, I need to be sure that my public support for those charities is a help for their work, not a hindrance.

There should be no hindrance to what we want to do, what we want to wear, what we think and how we want to travel. Do what you want to do as long as you are not breaking any law.

Particularly the mark for success for us would be that a woman can not only walk in the streets of every major city, but can go from one province to another without any hindrance.

The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance.

It's a hindrance in trying to get a serious acting role. The minute a producer has a script and my name comes up, they immediately think of 'Playboy,' 'Hee Haw,' 'Fantasy Island' and 'Love Boat.'

I think the computer is a hindrance to good writing because it is so tempting to leave what you've written. If you use a typewriter, you must retype if you make a mistake, and thus, you must re-examine every word.

When you're editing the film, you use a temp track. So you're putting music in there for a rough cut to keep track of what's going on. It can be a hindrance if wrong, it can be an enormous asset if you get it right.

Research can be a boon to a novelist - there are more things in heaven and Earth than can be dreamt of in a single writer's philosophy - or it can become a hindrance, a thick layer of algae that weighs down the storytelling.

One may say that in a state of science where fundamental concepts have to be changed, tradition is both the condition for progress and a hindrance. Hence, it usually takes a long time before the new concepts are generally accepted.

Personally, I see little distinction between an artistic mentality and criminality. You couldn't possibly create a compelling story without some wickedness or some fascination with the disgusting. Being good is a hindrance to a writer.

Comedy has allowed me to be my 100-percent-true self, as opposed to other places, where I feel like that's been a hindrance. Whether it's music or poetry or hosting, people want you to be something else: they want you to be packaged in a certain way.

We have demolished the biggest hindrance to the development of Uttar Pradesh - the menace of casteism and dynastic politics. The epicentre of development is now villages, poor, farmers, youth, women, traders, and, in fact, every section of the society.

When one is young, aspiring to play for the country, doing well, any hindrance, like injury or being out of form, can be frustrating and a cause of annoyance or even anger. But once you have a close encounter with death, you realise the real value of life.

Our smartphones can offer innovative opportunities for improving how we react to our environment, and I believe it is increasingly becoming an asset - not a hindrance - to maintaining a healthier relationship with our work, our friends, and the world around us.

I don't talk about how old I am because sometimes it can affect parts that you get in Hollywood. I don't believe that it's a necessary element. I feel that I'm a character, and I'm an actor. People focusing on my age instead of the role I'm playing can be a hindrance.

Many times, I thought the sat-phone was just a hindrance because it can become a crutch. You can call someone in Australia or Europe and talk about what you're going through, but it doesn't actually help. Sat-phones and GPS can't show you where the grass or the wells are.

I don't use the Internet, as I don't like living with lots of distractions. I have tried, but I found it a hindrance. as my sense of priorities goes out of the window and it pulls me out of my writing, particularly with email. I'd sit there for hours just replying to emails.

I never really trained to be a musician, but I've been playing guitar since I was around, like, 13 years old. For me, the guitar has always been the instrument that I've played. I play a little piano. I taught myself everything by ear. I don't read music at all, which has not really been a hindrance.

With the demise of the biblical religions that have provided the American people with their core values since their country's inception, we are reverting to the pagan worldview. Trees and animals are venerated, while man is simply one more animal in the ecosystem - and largely a hindrance, not an asset.

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