I'm really big on hormones.

Gotta love alcohol and sex hormones.

I can be a bit grumpy. Im full of angst, and hormones.

I can be a bit grumpy. I'm full of angst, and hormones.

Hormones were as potent as whiskey, and twice as sneaky.

I just feel like estrogen is bad hormones, and seen as shameful.

Money is like hormones. It's just how you feel on any given day.

Hormones are very powerful things. We are helpless in their wake.

I think when you start messing with your own hormones, it's crazy-making.

Hormones influencing the sensitivity of the person to environmental stimuli.

With Free, we were teenagers, and, ummm, there was a lot of raging hormones.

You cannot control the primitive urges and hormones that drive your eating behavior.

Q: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? A: You can't hear an enzyme.

Love is indeed, at root, the product of the firings of neurons and release of hormones.

As a teenager, you have so much energy and hormones and you feel powerless in your life.

Pierce Brosnan is a very sweet man. Oh, we had our issues, but a lot of it was hormones.

As female hormones decrease, they're replaced with an overwhelming urge to grow delphinium.

Nothing better for the hormones and worse for the heart than the right boy at the right time.

Try and stay away from dairy - especially if you're a woman! It's really hard on your hormones.

A pure heart and mind only takes you so far - sooner or later the hormones have their say, too.

The more you worry, the more you throw off the delicate balance of hormones required for health.

The more you worry, the more you throw off the delicate balance of hormones required for health.

I'd sacrificed true love and a popped cherry to the god of deception and hormones." - Zoey Redbird (Ch 24)

Girls are so in their head about their body image. It doesn't matter how confident you are - it's hormones!

Your body requires hydration to digest your food, to regulate your hormones, and to be able to think clearly.

I grew up in a house with all girls, so I'm used to having a lot of hormones around that can create craziness.

I was pregnant with my daughter when I started writing my first thriller, so I guess you could blame hormones.

When you're in your late teens, your hormones work overtime. You fall in love without thinking about the consequences.

Milk contains growth hormones designed by Mother Nature to put a few hundred pounds on a baby calf within a few months.

If men went through menopause, we'd know everything about it, but we still don't even know if we should be taking hormones.

Our cattle, poultry and fish should not be exposed to antibiotics or hormones that will be harmful to their human consumers.

On one hand, our food is polluted with herbicides and on the other hand by antibiotics. And then we have hormones and pesticides.

In general, I try to eat food without added hormones and pesticides, but I'm not so strict that I won't have a Big Mac once in a while.

Vampires and teens have a lot in common. Teens have surging hormones, vampires have surging blood lust. Teenagers think they're immortal.

Healthy, sustainable food production methods give us food that is nutritionally better and with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.

Going through puberty, that Cape Canaveral of the hormones, young girls are in love with the idea of being in love, trying it out for sighs.

We have to really think about where our food is coming from. The hormones being put in the stuff we eat - all of that contributes to cancer.

Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more.

When you're in your twenties, your brain hasn't even finished baking, and your hormones are giving you all kinds of direction of which ways to go.

In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry.

With pregnancy and nursing, the hormones mean your skin tends to be more sensitive to the light, so it's very important to use sun block every day.

My heart and prayers go out to all single moms because it's tough, and I can't imagine any teenager dealing with a baby and all those hormones raging.

The critical part with meal spacing is that you stabilize your hormones so that you do not have those spikes in insulin that occur when you eat large meals.

I remember what I was like as a teenager, with an enormous amount of energy and hormones. You have to be able to release it, and dancing is really an innocent way.

Food is fuel. Unless there's an activity, the body doesn't know what to do with it. If you're just lying on the couch, everything spreads and your hormones act up!

Normal kids in their teens want to go and date girls and do mischievous things, your hormones are jumping around, but I stayed in my bedroom in search of something.

I have a neuroscience background - that's what my doctorate is in - and I was trained to study hormones of attachment, so I definitely feel my parenting is informed by that.

To out-group-members, oxytocin makes you crappier - less cooperative and more preemptively aggressive. It's not the luv hormone. It's the in-group parochialism/xenophobia hormone.

When the brain perceives you are no longer reproductive because your hormones are out of balance, it tries to get rid of you, and it usually activates the cancers in perimenopause.

Excess body fat alters the levels of the hormones insulin, leptin, and estrogen, and these factors are believed to be responsible for the acceleration of pubertal timing by obesity.

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