My initial idea was I wanted to make it a horror film, very much. At times I do enter that world.

I also love horror movies; I like me a big Peter Berg action movie. I'm a movie lover in general.

Horror movies are the best date movies. There's no wondering , 'When do I put my arm around her?'

I feel like in the '90s, horror just lost its way and everything became so safe and watered-down.

I'm quite a rational person. I'm not very superstitious, but I really do enjoy horror as a genre.

A Failure in this Duty did once involve our Nation in all the Horrors of Rebellion and Civil War.

Waiting for the horror is almost more frightening than actually seeing it. Just the pending dread.

If you do any thriller or horror movie a big part of the process is accounting for the cell phone.

After 'Versace' and 'American Horror Story,' if that was the end of the line, then I can go happy.

The sky hides the night behind it, and shelters the people beneath from the horror that lies above.

No child asks to get born, so when they are here, they should be shielded from any possible horror.

For horror movies, color is reassuring because, at least in older films, it adds to the fakey-ness.

We come from the mentality, that rarely sees the horror in symmetry or the beauty in non-conformity

I like all of the mental, psychological thriller movies too. I enjoy horror movies across the board.

I’m very busy with schoolwork, of course." "How can she be?" said Ron in horror. "We’re on vacation!

If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing the the horror section?

... everything written is at least in part fantasy. Except maybe the national budget. That's horror.

Physical reality is one of the biggest horror movies of all, and you know how we love horror movies.

Horror is always aware of its cause; terror never is. That is precisely what makes terror terrifying.

Like all tools, modern technology has produced some wonderful moments in music and also some horrors.

It is a mistake to fancy that horror is associated inextricably with darkness, silence, and solitude.

It’s funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made! But even a quite good romantic comedy.

I'm not a huge fan of horror movies myself because I'm a big baby and I get too scared to watch them.

I'm a huge fan of 1930s horror - Universal films. I grew up with them and I just absolutely love them.

I'm constantly looking for something that will be pushing the audience to new scares in horror movies.

The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialised slaughter, fear, and appalling human suffering.

Horror is my motor. It gets to me on an animal level and satisfies my impulse toward scenario building.

I turn away with fright and horror from the lamentable evil of functions which do not have derivatives.

I don't like to talk about work in progress, but the novel I'm working on now is definitely not horror.

If you're a boy, you always want to be in a western; and any actor I know would like to be in a horror.

I love horror, I love scary movies, I love thrillers. If things creep you out and spook you? I love it.

War has crossed out the day and replaced it with horror, and now horrors are unfolding instead of days.

'American Horror' in particular is a really crazy show. We have crazy crap happening to us on that show.

Many of my short stories (all unpublished) were horror, and the novel I'd just finished was horror, too.

I am now seventy, rather glad, really, that I won't live to see the horrors to come in the 21st century.

I'm the god of war, the resurrector of the horror-core. The carnivore, destroying you wasn't hard at all

I've always been into the horror genre, so I've seen a lot of movies with ghosts and supernatural stuff.

I have a horror of silence while I'm writing. It's like the universe is howling at me if I don't have it.

I love horror movies in space. I love it when the genre switches over and what was sci-fi becomes horror.

The horror of the Twentieth Century was the size of each new event, and the paucity of its reverberation.

I turn aside with a shudder of horror from this lamentable plague of functions which have no derivatives.

I think there's an instinct to make grotesque horror films that are purely carnal, like the 'Saw' movies.

I went see the horror thriller, Hannibal. I am a massive fan of Anthony Hopkins. He is superb in the film.

I don't share lots of the phobias that horror movies tap into. I don't mind spiders or snakes or darkness.

I'm mostly a novelist these days, but I have written short stories in Fantasy, Science Fiction and horror.

Good Lord, who spread the Daimon fertilizer around? They're cropping up like a bad horror flick. (Tabitha)

With a horror movie, you're making a metaphor. You're making a personalized nightmare for the protagonist.

'Rear Window' isn't really a horror film, but it is a psychological drama, which I love. It is very tense.

They did type me as a horror writer, but I have been able to do all sorts of things within that framework.

Through my mind, is just the horror of these people. I had been held by them, I knew how violent they were.

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