Horror movies are hard work. Why don't we make a horror workout?

Fear of death is form of stasis horrors. The dead weight of time.

I have a perfect horror of words that are not backed up by deeds.

To me, horror and comedy never work. Never worked for me, anyway.

I think that some laughter comes from escaped horror, doesn't it?

Death holds no horrors. It is simply the ultimate horror of life.

I don't go to horror movies. I walked out of 'The Exorcist,' man.

I'm terrible at horror movies, by the way. I get scared so easily.

I think that The Eye is a particularly Americanized take on horror

Horror is the natural reaction to the last 5,000 years of history.

How can this world, which is so beautiful, include so much horror?

I love horror films. I love ghost movies and haunted-house movies.

I love horror movies. I consider myself a horror author, sometimes.

The middle age of buggers is not to be contemplated without horror.

Poor decisions and bad luck are contingencies of most horror films.

Without music in a horror there is actually such a big part missing.

One of my favorite horror films of the Nineties was 'Event Horizon.'

...the music seems creepy, like when children sing in a horror movie

With all our horrors and faults, somewhere in us there is a shining.

Fishing makes us less the hostages to the horrors of making a living.

The first horror is there's horror. The second is you accommodate it.

I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared.

But the purpose of the book is not the horror, it is horror's defeat.

Ironically, I wouldn't say I'm a massive horror fan. I love thrillers.

Why pay money for the horror movies? Just go to a street without trees!

Think about scary movies: There's a fine line between horror and humor.

I did love horror films from the '70s and '80s. That was my sweet spot.

We grow despite the horror that we feed upon our own tomorrow. We grow.

There's a numbness in our culture to the continuing horrors of genocide.

Not all horror fans love Evil Dead because of the humor, at least not me.

Time takes the ugliness and horror out of death and turns it into beauty.

I love the idea that horror and fear is a celebration of health and life.

I think horror should never be safe, whether it's violent or non violent.

the people are the biggest horror show on earth, have been for centuries.

Awake, awake, English nobility! Let not sloth dim your horrors new-begot.

Most of my horror inspiration is really older stuff and really new stuff.

The more clearly we see sins horror, the more we shall treasure the cross.

I have a horror of being in confined spaces. Potholing is my idea of hell.

I don't like PG-13 horror movies. I think they're a contradiction in terms.

I normally stay away from horror films; I tend to do light and happy roles.

Well, don't tell Steve Niles but I just don't think horror works in comics.

Men who have not known the horror of death are not likely to be awed by it.

My knowledge of horror films is pathetic because I can't really watch them.

When I was a little kid, I loved horror films. I always liked being scared.

You know, the best thing you can say about a horror film is, 'Don't see it.'

The cowboy movies is not our go-to programmer anymore, here's a horror film.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

The modern horror audience is wise to our tricks this lets it in on the gag.

Psychological horror is more interesting to me than the explicitly physical.

Terror is the desire to save your own ass, but horror is rooted in sympathy.

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