You can't imagine a free market coupled with a dictatorship.

Small acts of decency ripple in ways we could never imagine.

If I'm sick of me, I can only imagine how other people feel.

What Homo sapien imagines, he may slowly convert himself to.

Can you imagine how your life would be if you couldn't talk?

Even gang members imagine a future that doesnt include gangs.

I imagine how cool it would be if all small talk wasn't lies.

A journey into space is the greatest adventure I can imagine.

I never think of the future. I never imagine what comes next.

It's quite difficult for me to imagine my life without chess.

I can't imagine going on when there are no more expectations.

We have fewer friends than we imagine, but more than we know.

It's hard to imagine a party that is not corrupted by hatred.

I couldn't imagine a more incompetent politician than myself.

I like an empty wall because I can imagine what I like on it.

As writers, it is our job not only to imagine, but to witness.

Even gang members imagine a future that doesn't include gangs.

I've never been overseas. I can only imagine what that's like.

To lose a child is - I can't imagine anything worse than that.

I can't imagine Revolution being quiet, unassuming, or bashful

I can't imagine ever going back to working with somebody else.

One cannot imagine St. Francis of Assisi talking about rights.

Life is not what we live; it is what we imagine we are living.

I can't imagine not having a reason to get out of bed at night.

Opportunities will be available to you that you cannot imagine.

Living so fully, I can't imagine what any drug could do for me.

I'm seventy-one now, so it's hard to imagine a dramatic change.

It is impossible to imagine existence void of any intelligence.

You are capable of so much more than we usually dare to imagine

Can you imagine what you could do, if you did all that you can?

By reaching out, more comes back than you can possibly imagine.

Imagine something new, or you will only go where you have been.

I can’t imagine anything worse than being required to have fun.

In the end it happens, in some way you couldn't imagine before.

I cannot truly imagine a truly great person who hasn't suffered.

We have to imagine change before we can begin to move toward it.

Friendship is...the sort of love one can imagine between angels.

Thats the way I work: I try to imagine what I would like to see.

Data is something we create, but it's also something we imagine.

We're destroying our water supplies like you can't even imagine.

You can't imagine how stupid the whole world has grown nowadays.

I've paid for more pianos in hotel lobbies than you can imagine.

Everything we do, I'd imagine, influences everything we will do.

His feelings are warm, but I can imagine them rather changeable.

What we imagine is order is merely the prevailing form of chaos.

Imagine the talented love-child of Andr Previn and Lucille Ball.

To imagine that trauma casts out fantasy is a dangerous mistake.

Yes, writing is not easy. But can any writer imagine NOT writing?

I can't imagine falling in love with a devoutly religious person.

That's the way I work: I try to imagine what I would like to see.

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