I can't imagine people telling me what to do - I just can't imagine it.

Any company that cannot imagine the future won't be around to enjoy it.

a struggle with shyness is in every actor more than anyone can imagine.

Imagine the wisdom to be passed down from the classical Buddhist texts.

Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.

Daydream, imagine, and reflect. It’s the source of infinite creativity.

Movies are, like sharp sunlight, merciless; we do not imagine, we view.

While we do not need art to live, I couldn't imagine a life without it.

You can't imagine anything like nature as we know it without predators.

We cannot possibly imagine the variety of contradictions in every heart.

I cannot imagine any writer who would not fight for his peace and quiet.

One Direction's 3D movie has more shirtless moments than you can imagine

Before we can build the world we want to live in, we have to imagine it.

You shouldn't imagine things that you haven't a shred of proof happened.

I can not imagine my life if I didn't have a music program in my school.

I've heard tell that what you imagine sometimes comes true. -Grandpa Joe

I can't imagine going to an all-girls school. I went to a public school.

I imagine that I'm less famous than the 15th ranked bowler in the world.

Nothing before you counts,” he said. “And I can’t even imagine an after.

I love software, because if you can imagine something, you can build it.

I can't imagine the right wing trying to unite without my participation.

You hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine.

It's cinematographic to smoke. Imagine Lauren Bacall without a cigarette.

Imagine all of us living in peace, it's too beautiful to just be a dream.

I always wanted to be an actress. I couldn't imagine being anything else.

No purer artist exists or has ever existed than a child freed to imagine.

Right now, it's hard to imagine that it is raining anywhere in the world.

Our goal is simple objects, objects that you can't imagine any other way.

A lot of being an actor is being something that people imagine you to be.

Keeping a journal will change your life in ways that you'd never imagine.

I am the same on camera as I am off. I can't imagine being any other way.

I can imagine wanting to work with this ensemble and this company always.

I can imagine no greater bliss than to lie about, reading novels all day.

I am the same on camera as I am off. I can't imagine being any other way.

To listen to some devout people, one would imagine that God never laughs.

Imagine what we could accomplish if our dreams were bigger than our fears

When our vices leave us, we like to imagine it is we who are leaving them.

If we could stop wasting food, imagine how many more people we could feed!

I can imagine no society which does not embody some method of arbitration.

No one imagines that a law professing to tax will be permitted to destroy.

A bit of the vagueness of music stops you going completely mad, I imagine.

You've got to have fun in life. Otherwise, wow - imagine life without fun.

I can't even imagine what it is like to make a movie that lasts two hours.

A world is to be fought for, sung, and built: Love must imagine the world.

I can't imagine being on one of those shows where people have to look nice.

Some suffer from real misfortunes. Sadly, others only imagine that they do.

You have to imagine a waiting that is not impatient because it is timeless.

I can't imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement.

Mythology is a subjective truth. Every culture imagines life a certain way.

I'm still the person who naively thinks if I can imagine it, I can have it.

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